Whether you are applying for graduate school, scholarships, internships, or jobs, you are often asked to provide letters of recommendation. As online college students, it can be difficult to approach instructors for letters of recommendation. While I am happy to provide letters of recommendation for students, I do have some requirements.
- You must either have worked directly under me (i.e., as a research assistant in my lab, as a member of Active Minds) OR have taken at least one writing intensive class under me (at this time, those classes include PSYCH 301 or PSYCH 424). I will consider other students on a case-by-case basis.
- I request as much advanced notice as possible. Ideally, I will have at least 1 month advanced notice, but I understand that opportunities can arise without nearly as much warning, so I will do my best to accommodate those situations.
- Please fill out the survey below, and then email me at ajn157@psu.edu to make sure I received your request. Please provide any additional information I may need in that email, including due dates for my letters. After this, I will make a decision on whether I can write a favorable letter on your behalf. Note that I will NOT write a letter if I cannot recommend you for the applied position/award. If this occurs, I will let you know that I am declining your request and will explain why.