The film Period. End of Sentence. is about a group of women working to create change in rural India regarding the culture of menstruation. In India, menstruation is taboo, with one man saying it is the “biggest taboo in my country,” (Zehtabchi, 2020). In some areas, women are not allowed in temples while on their period because they are considered “dirty,” (Zehtabchi, 2020). Because of this negative culture surrounding menstruation, many women struggle with their period and getting the proper supplies. In the film, a girl explained that she eventually dropped out of school because her period made it difficult to change clothes and she could not afford pads (Zehtabchi, 2020). Even if women can afford pads, it can be difficult because there are usually men at these shops and women are embarrassed to buy pads. In India, women are struggling with the oppressive culture that surrounds menstruation, but there are groups of women working to change this culture and empower women.
The group of women in the film are making pads by hand, then selling them for a cheaper price than other pads. The pads sold in stores are often expensive and of lower quality. With this “Pad Project,” this group of women are making pads for affordable, accessible, and effective (Zehtabchi, 2020). This project is educating women in India about their periods and pads. The cloths that the women have been using for their periods are unsanitary and usually end up leaking. With the creation of these pads, women using them can use a safe method while on their period, thus protecting their health. Women have been taught how to make the pads and how to correctly use them. Women working to make these pads and sell them are now making their own money, and are therefore gaining respect with some of the males in their village.
The Pad Project is a great example of advocacy. A group of women recognized a problem in their village: women are shamed for menstruating, and do not have access or money to purchase sanitary products. As a result, this group of women started working to change the culture around menstruation and create an accessible resource for pads. Not only does this project make life much easier for women, but it is also protecting their health by allowing them to use sanitary products. This group of women is promoting women’s health by educating their peers on menstruation. In the film, it can be seen that many people in the village did not know much about menstruation, or even how to use a pad (Zehtabchi, 2020). With the help of the pad project, the women in the village are learning more about their bodies and how to take care of them. They are being empowered to stand up for their health and natural body processes. The Pad Project is allowing women to become more independent and take charge of their bodies and will continue to change the culture in India for the better.
Works Cited
Netflix. (2020). Period. End of Sentence. YouTube. Retrieved September 20, 2021, from
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