RCL 5: Desert Power

As the title suggest, the Ted Talk I listened to was about renewable energy through the use of deserts. This practice is already being tried, and we currently are trying to find better way of getting solar power in the desert without harming the landscape. The paradigm shift of the whole matter is about how we should invest more into solar in the desert because it produces more power and does not harm the environment as much as fossil fuels(assuming we use solar panels that do not rely on fossil fuels). As is common knowledge, solar power uses the sun to create electricity. However, there is a problem by covering a desert with them. The problem revolves around the issue that the solar panels would damage the wildlife and ecosystems in the desert through just being in the desert and by soaking up heat. One of the potential solutions to this problem is by using mirrors and causing the reflections to go to a single point that generates heat and eventually electricity or power. A Chinese version of this looks like the image below.Molten salt solar power station largest of its kind - Chinadaily.com.cn

The speaker for this is not actually in the video. Instead, an animation plays to visually show what is being talked about. The speaker does however have some strengths in delivering their speech. Their strengths that they play to is that they explain everything using simplistic terms. The advantage to this is that they are able to convey rather complex ideas to an audience simply ,and because the speaker can do this, they can also reach a wider audience. In addition, the speaker speaks with a certain energy and flair that leaves you as a listener to wonder and be excited for what is coming next. They make sure to have an engaging voice to get the audience to really pay attention to what they are talking about. However, one of the drawbacks of not being able to see the speaker is that the audience can be distracted by the cartoon visuals in the video. The distraction may make the audience miss a point or description the speaker is making, and this can create a problem because the audience may miss an entire part of the speech because they are focused on the visuals. This video is more akin to deriving a presentation due to the face we as an audience do not physically see them while they speak. The style however was very engaging on both a visual and auditory level, and the visuals helped me to understand the speaker’s description more.


  1. It’s interesting that you chose a TED talk that was not a person speaking on a stage. However, the speaker is still able to effectively deliver the information in a simplistic way. The speaker explains the limits of solar panels and how scientists are making them more efficient. The visuals are added support for the material to understand what is going on as it supplements what the speaker is saying, but I would agree sometimes I got distracted looking at them instead of listening to the speaker.

  2. This is an interesting topic and I like the picture that you included to explain what you were talking about. I have never heard much about using desert solar power so I found this very informative

  3. This is a topic that is becoming more and more relevant today. Being originally from Morocco, I am well aware of how solar panels are finding themselves across the Sahara Desert. I like that the speaker acknowledged the pros and cons of the placement of solar panels on this wide range of land, but he also provided solutions to the cause as well. I appreciated the visual aids he used as well.

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