Passion 6: Augustine of Hippo

Augustine of Hippo is known as a philosopher who was very important to the Christian tradition and well known in the field of philosophy. To give the background to Augustine, he was born in Algeria in the year three hundred and fifty four. He was born to a Roman family and he studied in Carthage….

Passion 5: Stoicism and Seneca

Seneca (also known as Seneca the younger) was a statesmen, poet, and philosopher in Rome during the early empire period. Seneca is known for many things in history such as various emperors that he served and how his writings impacted their reign. In addition, many older Greek writings are known to us thanks to Seneca…

Passion 4 : The Philosopher

Often called The Philosopher (with a capital T in The), Aristotle was born in 384 BC to a physician named Nicomachus and his mother. His father did whenever he was young and his career in philosophy started at seventeen when his uncle sent him to Plato’s academy. He was at the academy for the last…

Passion blog 3: The wrestling philosopher

Plato comes next in line of the greats, and he was a student of Socrates. Plato’s original name was actually Aristocles, but he was given the nickname Plato. Plato itself means “broad shouldered” which is most likely because he possessed this physical characteristic. Plato was born in Greece around 430 BC and he died in…

Civic Issues 2: Don’t say what?

In Florida there was a new bill passed by the Florida senate. The bill proposed would  prevent grade school teachers from discussing sexual orientation and gender identity. This bill would only apply to grades kindergarten to grade three. This bill was advocated for by Republicans in Florida. The current bill is facing trouble from a…