Hello! I am Anthony Zappa, I am from Monroeville, PA and I am a freshman at PSU. Some of my interests include philosophy, working out, and reading. I am taking this course to not only help my abilities in public speaking, but also to learn more about different perspectives about events and actions happening in the world.
This blog is for the course called Rhetoric and Civic Life, which pertains to social rhetoric concerning social and political issues, and how to efficiently use communication skills. This course can be utilized for multiple activities from improving communication to analyzing rhetoric put out from news sources to close friends. This course also includes different takes on various issues and organizations from peers and news sources.
I will be posting about two threads on this blog. One of my previous threads was about working out and various functions of muscles. My new blog is a passion blog about philosophy while the other blog will be about “civil life”. The other thread is about rhetoric and civil life, or that is happening or happened in the country and the world. This thread is not just restricted to the USA, but examines other countries as well.