Hello, everyone! This is my last blog post of the summer semester! How crazy is that? Time sure did fly during my first semester at Penn State. For my last blog post, I wanted to discuss the feeling of being burnt out at the end of a semester. During high school, I always tended to feel run down towards the end of a semester. “Burnt out” basically means that you feel run down and exhausted and have no desire to do any schoolwork anymore. I think this is normal because when people near the end of a school semester, they already feel like they did enough schoolwork to pass the class.
Similar to my high school days, I’ve felt this recently with college. However, I actually feel more burn out than ever. I think this is due to the fact that at college I’m doing a lot more things on my own than just schoolwork. During high school, I would just have to worry about my academics, however at college I’m doing a lot of other things outside the classroom. I think being at college has caught up to me because I also don’t feel the best. I’m trying my best to prepare for my exam tomorrow, while also completing my final project for English class, but my body feeling weak is making it hard. I’m pushing through my last three days of classes of the summer semester, then heading home for a needed break.
I’m glad I had the summer session to get me more adjusted to being a college student because the fall semester is 15 weeks long and we won’t have a weeklong break until Thanksgiving. I’m doing my best to finish strong in both my summer classes, so I can go home and recharge for the fall. As much as I loved LEAP, I am excited to go home for a week break. It’s important to keep pushing through near the end of a semester, no matter how tempting it is to slack off. I think this has been the most challenging week academically of my life having to do so many final exams and projects for my classes, while also packing to go home. My body feels so burnt out, but I’m determined to finish strong. My last exam for my Comm 100 class is tomorrow and I’m hoping to get a B on it, even a high C would be nice as I improved my exam grade by 20 points last time.
Feeling burnt out at school is never fun and makes everything more challenging, but it’s important to keep pushing through. That ‘ll conclude my last blog post of the summer! Thank you for following me along on my journey of my first semester at Penn State! I can’t wait to look back on these blogs in 4 years. As always, WE ARE!
contact: akb6783@psu.edu or ashley_beres1 on twitter

My summer dorm hall, Pinchot Hall!