My logline: “A once anxious turned calm first year Penn State student shares her keys to success at college by showing things she does in her everyday life around campus and answering common questions about college.”
My end of the semester video documentary will be showcasing me showing things I do here at Penn State every day that help me to succeed. I will shoot clips around campus and even in my dorm. I also will answer common questions people have about college that others did not answer well for me before going. I will probably have my friend ask me some questions in the video, while I answer. I added how I was anxious at first in my logline to show people how finding a right balance between academics and social life leads to better mental health and a calmer version of yourself. I know a lot of people, me included, had a ton of anxiety going into college. It’s a huge change, so people overthink a lot which is understandable. I hope people can watch my documentary and not feel as anxious about starting college.