Teaching and Mentoring

                 Current Postdoctoral Visitors:

Dr. Leonhard Hochfilzer,  Chowla Research Assistant Professor,
Penn State, 2023-2026

Dr. Mohamed Anwar Fouad, Fulbright Scholar, Penn State, 2023-2024.

                  Current Graduate Students:

Ufuoma Asarhasa, Graduate Student, Penn State.

Jaxon Shumaker, Ph.D candidate, University of Oregon.

Past Graduate Students:

Greg Knapp, Ph.D 2023, University of Oregon. (Currently a PIMS postdoctoral fellow at University of Calgary)

Elisa Bellah, Ph.D 2022, University of Oregon. (Currently a postdoctoral Fellow at Carnegie Mellon University)

Christophe Dethier, Ph.D 2020, University of Oregon

Leila Vaden, M.Sc 2017, University of Oregon

Undergraduate Research Students:

Riley Burton. Research Project: Algebraic Number Theory, Summer 2022.

Riley Burton. Research Project: Quadratic Forms and Class Numbers, Summer 2021.

Montana Janssen and Ariel Rosenfield,   Research Project: Covering Systems of Integers, Summer 2018.

Ben Lain, Research Project: Skolem’s method for solving Diophantine equations, Summer 2018.