Anime Reviews Part 2: Spring Semester

For my passion blog I intend to continue with the same topic of reviewing anime that I have watched. I still have many to review as I have watched over 30 anime so I still have material for the second semester. To change up the approach slightly I will be trying to apply each anime show I review to an american show or specific genre ton try to connect to the audience more and maybe even get them involved in anime. Also, to make the information fersh I will probably be changing the format of the review and grading scale so that the blogs do not seem monotonous. One of my biggest passions is watching anime and understanding the thematic elements behind it, so I felt that it would be interesting to me to continue this blog, but I would try to make a more conscious effort to relate to my audience better. In semester 1 I struggled to engage my audience because the reviews did not really pertain to them, but this semester I would make a much more conscious effort to engage the audience better. I could also give information on the studio that drew the anime which could make or break the quality of a season or show. I plan to pursue the same general topic but with some added variance to keep things fresh this semester. 

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