Seven Deadly Sins

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There are not many Anime that draw upon the bible, religion of empires from the past quite like The seven deadly sins(Nanatsu no Taizai). The seven deadly sins is an action anime that involves the seven deadly sins which are powerful knights that have been exiled from the Kingdom of Liones for their crimes against the kingdom. They were defeated by the Holy Knights, but rumors continued to persist that these legendary knights were still alive. Ten years later, the Holy Knights themselves staged a coup d’état, and thus became the new, tyrannical rulers of the Kingdom of Liones. The story follows 3rd princess Elizabeth and her quest to find all of the deadly sins so that they can take back the kingdom of Lioness. The anime takes place some time similar to the European Middle Ages, which makes this a good anime for anyone that is interested in that time period or historical battle. The anime is not a historical one, however it does draw some similarities of history with the figures such as merlin and king arthur in the show. 

This show has the most unique characters out of most of the anime I’ve watched. A majority of them have unique personalities. They each have different emotions and personalities that help bring a strong connection between the characters and the person watching. Seeing them cry invokes sadness, and seeing them scared invokes a sense of fear. The character development is done really well through the uniqueness of each character themselves. None of the characters feel like they are a copy of another, or the same as another. 

The music in the series is more quality over quantity. There are many pieces that are repeatedly used, but they all fit the times and scenes in which they are used and didn’t become annoying. All four of the openings and endings are great and add to the series, rather than being something that most people would skip. Voice acting is also of a high quality. None of the lines felt as if they were forced and the voice acting was top quality.

Overall the anime is very high quality. The animation, characters and the music is top tier and sucks in any viewer into finishing the series. If you are interested in knights, or the time period this anime is for you. The use of magic and historical references make this anime different than most. It is on Netflix also so it would be an easy binge on the weekends.  

The Intensity of Childish Games

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 Everybody can relate to video games, using technology ,or just not wanting to go outside. No Game No Life is about two pro video game players that have never lost a game in their life. They become so good at every single game that they are transported to a world where every dispute for anything is determined by playing a game of either parties choice. This world is also ruled by different races that are based upon their ability to win at games. The lowest rank being imanity which is where our heroes Sora and Shiro. They start by playing games to take money and start making a living in the game world. Then they become the king of the imanity domain by beating the person who was also running for imanity. Slowly as the story progresses they start playing against the higher races and winning which helps imanity gain their power back. The story is really interesting as it takes childish games and makes it extremely high stakes.

Sora and Shiro are siblings that have never left each other’s side and always play their games together. They go by the name “blank” and have never lost a game no matter the conditions. The character development is not as present in the show because it only lasts about 11 episodes due to the creator not continuing the anime. The Anime was animated by madhouse, one of the most esteemed Animation Studios in all of Japan. That’s why the 11 episodes made are done really well and the animation adds a level of depth to the show that is incomparable in any other show. The animation style is unorthodox but works perfectly with the style of the anime because it incorporates the suspense of the games with an overall comedic feel throughout the show. 

If you are interested in shows that revolve around video games or fantasy worlds this show is definitely for you. The way they construct the game world is something I have never seen before in the Isekai(fantasy world) Anime genre. The show utilizes strategy in a non-serious way, while also making the viewer think about what’s happening.It also adds a sense of comedy that will keep you engaged and wishing there was a season 2. The show is only one season long so it is definitely worth the watch if you want to binge watch something interesting. 

A Strategic Look into Code Geass


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One of the most loved movie and tv genres are ones that utilize strategy and dive into the minds of the smartest people. Code Geass is an anime that exactly draws upon the themes of strategy and the mind of the brightest people. Code Geass is about Lelouch Vi Britannia who is trying to get revenge against the aristocracy of Britannia for killing his family and crippling his sister. He takes on the persona of zero, a strategic mastermind with the power to control people against their will. He makes a master plan that is used to eventually paint him like the villain claiming the throne of Britannia and being killed by “zero” who is his best friend. This then frees japan from Britannias rule and saves his sister from oppression which was his goal in the first place. If you are interested in any show that involves war strategy, or superhuman intellect then this is definitely for you. Code Geass is one of the most revered anime in the genre because of its complicated and intricate storyline that gets the reader hooked. It starts off slow because the build up helps set the story and make the plot twists all the more shocking. For anyone that loves strategy based tv or games this is definitely an anime you should consider. 

The animation style is quite interesting because of the time it was made. The show aired from 2006 to 2008 and in a time where Mecha-anime was popular brought upon an unprecedented art style for the anime industry. Mecha-anime, are anime that involve robots or piloted robots meant to take place in the future when technology has advanced. The genre of anime brings up an interesting type of animation which actually suits the show really well. The animation styles, although uncharacteristic of newer anime, brings the characters to life in a way that draws you in the beginning. 

The story structure of Code Geass is one that I have not come across in all my years of watching anime. It starts out with Lelouch being the hero and slowly when people find out that he is zero they paint him as the villain. It seems as if many of the actions he partakes in are villain like, however in the end he is portrayed as the hero but only a select few people know.n The story makes so many climatic shifts that it always keeps the viewer on the edge of their seat no matter the point in the series.  

Overall, the series is definitely worth the watch if anyone wants to rack their brain following a well thought out storyline. The shows animation and music makes it a must watch for anyone that appreciates a good story or a good show in general. This show has to be one of my favorites so I would recommend it to anyone reading this