A Young Boys Psychic Powers


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Fighting for the little guy is something that we can all get behind. TV shows that show  seemingly weaker characters develop and grow into a complete person is a storyline that can’t go wrong with the audience. Mob Psycho 100 is a story about a middle school student who is seemingly weaker and overall emotionless. However, this world has many espers, or people with telekinetic power, and it just so happens that he is one of the strongest espers in the entire world. He hates using his power for violence and always keeps his emotions repressed. Although when necessary his emotions boil over and burst causing him to gain extreme power or feel extreme emotions which change his whole personality.  Mob Psycho 100 is generally about Mob, the main character, trying to find himself and integrate into society as a normal teenage boy. Along the way he does battle threats to the world but each of those battles create a closer group of friends and loved ones that Mob did not really have in the beginning. 

The plot, although basic, can be very deep and thoughtful because the story always considers the emotional implications of each action and how it affects Mob on a personal level. We find Mob feeling all different types of emotions which then seemingly control him and take him over because of the intensity of the emotions. Whether it is anger or happiness each emotion that Mob feels helps him grow as a person and makes him closer to society. The story as a whole is really good because it draws emotional implications that we as a viewer can relate to. 

The art style is unique as there is almost nothing similar to it in all of the Anime I’ve watched. It is a very cartoon style that helps bring some humor to Mob even though he can be quite emotionless throughout the series as he is building up his emotions. The animation is smooth and creates an easy flow of movements even though the art style is very smooth. The music is also extremely emotional and I find myself going back and listening to the sound track often during my free time. The music adds a lot of feeling to each scene and helps complete this masterpiece of an anime.

Overall, if you enjoy tv series that revolve around an outcast and how they reintegrate back into society this show is definitely for you. More generally, a feel good story about acceptance despite being different from everybody. Mob learns that he is enough and that his powers are not a curse but instead a blessing that can help people in dire situations. 

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