Violet’s Emotional Journey

Violet Evergarden Gifs 4 | Anime

There are many great Anime that are relatively short on Netflix that would be a great weekend. Just like last week Violet Evergarden is a Netflix original anime that has only 13 episodes and 1 season. Violet Evergarden is an example of another great anime project that Netflix created in response to the large market for anime on Netflix. The story revolves around Violet Evergarden, a young girl that was born and raised with the sole purpose to be the most efficient war machine. During the end of the war she was left with injuries and the final words of the one she loved the most. Emotionless she tries to live her life and figure out what those words mean. Violet starts a new life working at CH Postal Services after a falling out with her new intended guardian family. There, she witnesses by pure chance the work of an “Auto Memory Doll,” women that transcribe people’s thoughts and feelings into words on paper. Moved by the notion, Violet begins work as an Auto Memory Doll, a trade that will take her on an adventure, one that will reshape the lives of her clients and hopefully lead to self-discovery. She travels all around the world slowly learning what it means to have emotions and her own purpose in life. The show is much different from some of the recent shows I have discussed. Although there is some action in this show, it is more about self-discovery and learning about people’s emotions. This show is one of the more emotional ones I have reviewed which may be more the reason to watch it. 

The animation, like most Netflix direct anime, is done extremely well. The animation is very clean and detailed and adds a lot to the emotion of the story. You can see the emotions in every character’s face and you can not help but feel for them. Many other reviewers have given much praise to the art style of Violet Evergarden and is the reason that the series has as much hype as it does.

The sound of the show was also done quite well. The opening and ending were nicely composed and the background music helped add a layer of emotion to every scene. Although it was not the most memorable soundtrack in anime it did its job and helped further a great story. 

If you have the time to binge this weekend I would recommend this Anime. The anime is a sad one, and will pull on some heart strings so keep that in mind when picking a show to watch. This is an anime I would definitely recommend for anybody new because of its simple yet complex storyline and intricacies. 

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