Violet’s Emotional Journey

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There are many great Anime that are relatively short on Netflix that would be a great weekend. Just like last week Violet Evergarden is a Netflix original anime that has only 13 episodes and 1 season. Violet Evergarden is an example of another great anime project that Netflix created in response to the large market for anime on Netflix. The story revolves around Violet Evergarden, a young girl that was born and raised with the sole purpose to be the most efficient war machine. During the end of the war she was left with injuries and the final words of the one she loved the most. Emotionless she tries to live her life and figure out what those words mean. Violet starts a new life working at CH Postal Services after a falling out with her new intended guardian family. There, she witnesses by pure chance the work of an “Auto Memory Doll,” women that transcribe people’s thoughts and feelings into words on paper. Moved by the notion, Violet begins work as an Auto Memory Doll, a trade that will take her on an adventure, one that will reshape the lives of her clients and hopefully lead to self-discovery. She travels all around the world slowly learning what it means to have emotions and her own purpose in life. The show is much different from some of the recent shows I have discussed. Although there is some action in this show, it is more about self-discovery and learning about people’s emotions. This show is one of the more emotional ones I have reviewed which may be more the reason to watch it. 

The animation, like most Netflix direct anime, is done extremely well. The animation is very clean and detailed and adds a lot to the emotion of the story. You can see the emotions in every character’s face and you can not help but feel for them. Many other reviewers have given much praise to the art style of Violet Evergarden and is the reason that the series has as much hype as it does.

The sound of the show was also done quite well. The opening and ending were nicely composed and the background music helped add a layer of emotion to every scene. Although it was not the most memorable soundtrack in anime it did its job and helped further a great story. 

If you have the time to binge this weekend I would recommend this Anime. The anime is a sad one, and will pull on some heart strings so keep that in mind when picking a show to watch. This is an anime I would definitely recommend for anybody new because of its simple yet complex storyline and intricacies. 

Devilman Crybaby

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Netflix original anime usually does not do the anime industry justice. Many Netflix adaptations are not as popular or do not gain a following as normal anime does. However Netflix did do something right. Devilman Crybaby is an anime created by Netflix and it is spectacular. It is a type of anime that is very uncommon in the industry. It is a psychological thriller but is done in a way that is completely unique to this show. It is only 11 episodes long so it does escalate quickly but the story flows really well. The story revolves around Akira, a normal high school boy that gets turned into a devilman, a hybrid between a human and a devil. Akira is turned into a devilman at a party that his childhood friend Ryo takes him to. Ryo wanted to uncover the secrets of devils but amidst that Akira gets turned into a devil. If the will of the person is strong enough the devil will not take over and it will produce a devil man, but if not the devil can take over and kill everyone around it. The story continues with Akira trying to protect his loved ones without people finding out he has turned into a devilman because devils are a target of the government. The anime becomes a commentary about the evils of humanity with themes of racism and discrimination at the center of the show. 

The animation is excellent as most Netflix adaptations are. Netflix usually has a high budget for animation so the anime visually is very good. Half of the impact of the anime comes from the clean visuals that add emotion to every scene. The character design is very unique and alone can be a good reason to watch the anime.

The voice acting and soundtrack of this anime is also high quality. The voice actors add depth and emotion to the show that otherwise would not be present. It really makes it sound like they are in pain which makes what they are feeling more relatable. The soundtrack just tops it off with emotional music paired with every scene. Overall, the sound of the anime is some of the best I have watched.

I would recommend this anime to anyone that wanted to watch a quick show over the weekend on Netflix. I do caution that this anime is not for everybody as there are some very suggestive themes but it absolutely does not take away from the quality of this show. If anybody wants to watch a quick psychological masterpiece then this is definitely the show to watch. 

The Art of Gambling

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There are many genres of Anime and styles that usually go unnoticed because the most popular anime falls under the generic action or Shonen category. One category that is interesting to explore is the gambling/thriller genre within anime. There are many anime that focus on the thrill of gambling and the implication of risking your life on a game. One anime that plays on this relatively common trope is Kakegurui. It is a relatively short anime on Netflix that revolves around a hierarchy of gambling and what effect it has on a person when they lose. 

Attending Hyakkaou Private Academy prepares students for their time in the real world. Since many of the students are the children of the richest people in the world, the academy at night, it turns into a gambling den, educating them in the art of dealing with money and manipulating people. Money is power; those who come out on top in the games stand at the top of the school. The best gamblers are treated like gods while the worst gamblers are treated as less than human Yumeko Jabami, a seemingly naive transfer student, is ready to try her hand at Hyakkaou’s gambling. Unlike the rest, she doesn’t play to win, but for the thrill of the gamble, and her borderline insane way of gambling might just bring too many new cards to the table. Once she joins the school she immediately starts to gamble as much as possible completely shaking up the hierarchy of the school in an irrational and insane way. This show plays upon the insanity of gambling addiction to the extreme where the thrill of the gamble becomes the only thing that keeps Yumeko going. 

The animation is done extremely well, as most Netflix anime are. Whenever Netflix adopts an anime the animation and arty style is usually done at an extremely high quality. This helps to add emotion and make the viewer also feel the thrill of the gamble. Every game has increasingly dangerous consequences that seem almost otherworldly so having the detailed animation helps feel the same danger that the characters in the show feel.

The show overall is good, not excellent but has some entertainment factors. The animation and initial premise is quite good. Where it falls is the execution of the plot. It becomes almost monotonous because you know that the main character would win every time so it took away from the shock factor of each game. If there were some chances of the main characters losing then it would be a more compelling anime to watch. I do recommend it but if you are just getting to anime this would not be a good one to start with. 

Fight for Humanity

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Attack on Titan is one of the most highly revered anime in the last 5 years for its captivating story and amazing character development. The show has been one of the most popular anime in recent times ranking at number 5 on the top 100 all time great anime. The fan support for this show is incredible and with season 4 potentially coming out in 2020 Attack on Titan has only been gaining more traction as the days go on. The story starts with main character Eren as a child, who lives in Shiganshina, a district within the outer wall which is used to protect against colossal titans that will try to invade the city. The titans do break through the wall, and ravage the town killing Erens family and pushing back into the second layer of walls. The story continues with teenage Eren and his friends joining the scouts, a division of the military that fights against Titans. The story follows their journey to trying to understand the titan phenomena better while also protecting their home from the threat that they face everyday. The show can get dark as this is a fight for human survival. There are many dreary thematic elements such as death, loss and hopelessness but that is what gives this anime its emotion and impact. In terms of story this is one of the most interesting anime I have ever watched because in season 3 there are many so many plot twists that connect the story together that it makes it worth watching everything. 

Eren as a character goes under so much character development throughout the three seasons of the show. He starts out as this wide eyed boy that wants to just fight against the titans with all of his power. Once he starts getting exposed to the tragedy of his reality then he slowly starts losing that same optimism he once had until he just becomes cold and only focused on his goal of ridding the world of titans. 

The music and animation are also exceptional. They add a level of depth to every scene that is not seen as much in current anime. What is even more exceptional however is the voice acting. You can feel the emotion with every line which is something that really differentiates this anime from the rest. 

If you were ever skeptical about anime but wanted to give it a try this is definitely one to start with. It has every element that a good TV show has and will hook you in right from the start. It may not be for everyone but I feel that a lot of people would enjoy Attack on Titan if they gave it a chance.  

A Young Boys Psychic Powers


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Fighting for the little guy is something that we can all get behind. TV shows that show  seemingly weaker characters develop and grow into a complete person is a storyline that can’t go wrong with the audience. Mob Psycho 100 is a story about a middle school student who is seemingly weaker and overall emotionless. However, this world has many espers, or people with telekinetic power, and it just so happens that he is one of the strongest espers in the entire world. He hates using his power for violence and always keeps his emotions repressed. Although when necessary his emotions boil over and burst causing him to gain extreme power or feel extreme emotions which change his whole personality.  Mob Psycho 100 is generally about Mob, the main character, trying to find himself and integrate into society as a normal teenage boy. Along the way he does battle threats to the world but each of those battles create a closer group of friends and loved ones that Mob did not really have in the beginning. 

The plot, although basic, can be very deep and thoughtful because the story always considers the emotional implications of each action and how it affects Mob on a personal level. We find Mob feeling all different types of emotions which then seemingly control him and take him over because of the intensity of the emotions. Whether it is anger or happiness each emotion that Mob feels helps him grow as a person and makes him closer to society. The story as a whole is really good because it draws emotional implications that we as a viewer can relate to. 

The art style is unique as there is almost nothing similar to it in all of the Anime I’ve watched. It is a very cartoon style that helps bring some humor to Mob even though he can be quite emotionless throughout the series as he is building up his emotions. The animation is smooth and creates an easy flow of movements even though the art style is very smooth. The music is also extremely emotional and I find myself going back and listening to the sound track often during my free time. The music adds a lot of feeling to each scene and helps complete this masterpiece of an anime.

Overall, if you enjoy tv series that revolve around an outcast and how they reintegrate back into society this show is definitely for you. More generally, a feel good story about acceptance despite being different from everybody. Mob learns that he is enough and that his powers are not a curse but instead a blessing that can help people in dire situations. 

Seven Deadly Sins

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There are not many Anime that draw upon the bible, religion of empires from the past quite like The seven deadly sins(Nanatsu no Taizai). The seven deadly sins is an action anime that involves the seven deadly sins which are powerful knights that have been exiled from the Kingdom of Liones for their crimes against the kingdom. They were defeated by the Holy Knights, but rumors continued to persist that these legendary knights were still alive. Ten years later, the Holy Knights themselves staged a coup d’état, and thus became the new, tyrannical rulers of the Kingdom of Liones. The story follows 3rd princess Elizabeth and her quest to find all of the deadly sins so that they can take back the kingdom of Lioness. The anime takes place some time similar to the European Middle Ages, which makes this a good anime for anyone that is interested in that time period or historical battle. The anime is not a historical one, however it does draw some similarities of history with the figures such as merlin and king arthur in the show. 

This show has the most unique characters out of most of the anime I’ve watched. A majority of them have unique personalities. They each have different emotions and personalities that help bring a strong connection between the characters and the person watching. Seeing them cry invokes sadness, and seeing them scared invokes a sense of fear. The character development is done really well through the uniqueness of each character themselves. None of the characters feel like they are a copy of another, or the same as another. 

The music in the series is more quality over quantity. There are many pieces that are repeatedly used, but they all fit the times and scenes in which they are used and didn’t become annoying. All four of the openings and endings are great and add to the series, rather than being something that most people would skip. Voice acting is also of a high quality. None of the lines felt as if they were forced and the voice acting was top quality.

Overall the anime is very high quality. The animation, characters and the music is top tier and sucks in any viewer into finishing the series. If you are interested in knights, or the time period this anime is for you. The use of magic and historical references make this anime different than most. It is on Netflix also so it would be an easy binge on the weekends.  

The Intensity of Childish Games

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 Everybody can relate to video games, using technology ,or just not wanting to go outside. No Game No Life is about two pro video game players that have never lost a game in their life. They become so good at every single game that they are transported to a world where every dispute for anything is determined by playing a game of either parties choice. This world is also ruled by different races that are based upon their ability to win at games. The lowest rank being imanity which is where our heroes Sora and Shiro. They start by playing games to take money and start making a living in the game world. Then they become the king of the imanity domain by beating the person who was also running for imanity. Slowly as the story progresses they start playing against the higher races and winning which helps imanity gain their power back. The story is really interesting as it takes childish games and makes it extremely high stakes.

Sora and Shiro are siblings that have never left each other’s side and always play their games together. They go by the name “blank” and have never lost a game no matter the conditions. The character development is not as present in the show because it only lasts about 11 episodes due to the creator not continuing the anime. The Anime was animated by madhouse, one of the most esteemed Animation Studios in all of Japan. That’s why the 11 episodes made are done really well and the animation adds a level of depth to the show that is incomparable in any other show. The animation style is unorthodox but works perfectly with the style of the anime because it incorporates the suspense of the games with an overall comedic feel throughout the show. 

If you are interested in shows that revolve around video games or fantasy worlds this show is definitely for you. The way they construct the game world is something I have never seen before in the Isekai(fantasy world) Anime genre. The show utilizes strategy in a non-serious way, while also making the viewer think about what’s happening.It also adds a sense of comedy that will keep you engaged and wishing there was a season 2. The show is only one season long so it is definitely worth the watch if you want to binge watch something interesting. 

A Strategic Look into Code Geass


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One of the most loved movie and tv genres are ones that utilize strategy and dive into the minds of the smartest people. Code Geass is an anime that exactly draws upon the themes of strategy and the mind of the brightest people. Code Geass is about Lelouch Vi Britannia who is trying to get revenge against the aristocracy of Britannia for killing his family and crippling his sister. He takes on the persona of zero, a strategic mastermind with the power to control people against their will. He makes a master plan that is used to eventually paint him like the villain claiming the throne of Britannia and being killed by “zero” who is his best friend. This then frees japan from Britannias rule and saves his sister from oppression which was his goal in the first place. If you are interested in any show that involves war strategy, or superhuman intellect then this is definitely for you. Code Geass is one of the most revered anime in the genre because of its complicated and intricate storyline that gets the reader hooked. It starts off slow because the build up helps set the story and make the plot twists all the more shocking. For anyone that loves strategy based tv or games this is definitely an anime you should consider. 

The animation style is quite interesting because of the time it was made. The show aired from 2006 to 2008 and in a time where Mecha-anime was popular brought upon an unprecedented art style for the anime industry. Mecha-anime, are anime that involve robots or piloted robots meant to take place in the future when technology has advanced. The genre of anime brings up an interesting type of animation which actually suits the show really well. The animation styles, although uncharacteristic of newer anime, brings the characters to life in a way that draws you in the beginning. 

The story structure of Code Geass is one that I have not come across in all my years of watching anime. It starts out with Lelouch being the hero and slowly when people find out that he is zero they paint him as the villain. It seems as if many of the actions he partakes in are villain like, however in the end he is portrayed as the hero but only a select few people know.n The story makes so many climatic shifts that it always keeps the viewer on the edge of their seat no matter the point in the series.  

Overall, the series is definitely worth the watch if anyone wants to rack their brain following a well thought out storyline. The shows animation and music makes it a must watch for anyone that appreciates a good story or a good show in general. This show has to be one of my favorites so I would recommend it to anyone reading this 

The Staple of Anime


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One of the most westernized anime in the history of the anime business is the Dragonball franchise. The Dragon Ball series started in 1984 and went until 2018 and has 3 main series and two spinoff series. The series consisted of Dragonball, Dragonball Z, Dragonball Super, and the two spinoff series Dragonball GT and Dragon Heroes. The show has been one of the most popular anime throughout the decades in the U.S. Even if you are not an avid fan of anime chances are you have heard of dragon ball z. It was a part of almost every kids childhood and even now it is the perfect anime to watch if you are looking to get into anime. As any series of that long there are many ups and downs in animation and storytelling however the anime itself is a classic. If you are interested in action shows, superhero shows, or just a fun show with generally good animation this is definitely something you should check out. 

To start Dragon Ball follows the main character Goku during his childhood years and his adventures fighting bad guys who are trying to steal the 7 dragonballs, which are 7 balls that when gathered are used to grant one wish. This part of the series is when Goku meets all of his friends and they get to fight against the evil in their world. Then Dragonball Z is about Goku as an adult and follows the same principle, about fighting against all the evils they face. However Dragon Ball Z is more developed than Dragon ball due to their release dates. Dragon Ball Z is actually a better place to start the series then Dragonball because it is more developed and gives the viewer a better insight into the anime rather than Dragon ball. Finally the trilogy ends with Dragonball Super which takes place a little after Dragonball Z, and becomes an even more interesting show with the introduction to new universes and gods that affect the way Goku and friends go about their lives. 

The animation of the show is well done but can have its flaws. The show is long running so the pivotal moments of each series do have amazing animation but some of the filler episodes can have lackluster animation but the major scenes animation is spectacular. The characters also go through major developments throughout the series, such as changing from villain to hero. The show itself has gone through so many cultural developments throughout the years that make it very easy to get attached and fall in love with the show. If you had to get started with an anime, might as well be the most popular anime in the US over the years. 

Why you Should Watch My Hero Academia


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Many of us are marvel fans or even just like the thought of superheroes or a superhuman society. When I think of the superhero genre there is always one crucial anime that comes to mind, My Hero Academia. Being one of the most popular shows not only in Japan but the entire world, My Hero Academia has broken down the barriers of what superhero anime and television could be. Many U.S marvel or superhero fans do not know about this anime but I highly recommend it to anyone who loves the superhero genre or just a well put together story in general. Since this is the first new passion blog of the semester I will be providing a more brief summary of the anime, including plot and animation. Also, at the end I will provide reasons why I believe people who like the hero genre should definitely try this anime out. 

First My Hero Academia, takes place in a world where everybody has superpowers called quirks. Some quirks are better suited for superhero jobs and some not so much. However our main character Midoriya Izuku, also known as Deku, is quirkless. His dream was to become a superhero, but it was cut short due to a genetic mutation that made him unable to manifest a quirk. With his dreams crushed he gave up on his superhero dream, until he came across his hero idol who passes down a quirk to him and thus gives him powers. The show is about his journey to becoming the number 1 hero. The plot of this show is developed exceptionally well. Although the plot description I gave makes it seem like a very one dimensional cliche show however the writers do an amazing job of bringing all the characters to life and making the show have depth that is unmatched in the anime community. The story always hooks the viewer between episodes and I find myself agonizing over the wait for the next episode. The animation is also unmatched in the anime community. Animated by Studio Bones, one of the most prestigious animation studios in Japan, each scene leaves the viewer in awe at the graphics. Out of all the anime I have watched this show has some of the most consistently amazing graphics, making you never disappointed in an episode. 

Many Marvel fans fall in love with the series because of the diverse cast that the MCU has to offer with nuanced story telling that couples with beautiful cinematography. My hero academia also has all of that, the heroes in the show are all diverse with very creative super powers. The storytelling is done in a way that you never know what is next, even if the story seems cliche on paper. Also, the animation is stunning leaving viewers speechless after every episode. If you are a marvel/superhero fan or just a fan of good television My hero Academia is an Anime you must watch