Anime Reviews Part 2: Spring Semester

For my passion blog I intend to continue with the same topic of reviewing anime that I have watched. I still have many to review as I have watched over 30 anime so I still have material for the second semester. To change up the approach slightly I will be trying to apply each anime show I review to an american show or specific genre ton try to connect to the audience more and maybe even get them involved in anime. Also, to make the information fersh I will probably be changing the format of the review and grading scale so that the blogs do not seem monotonous. One of my biggest passions is watching anime and understanding the thematic elements behind it, so I felt that it would be interesting to me to continue this blog, but I would try to make a more conscious effort to relate to my audience better. In semester 1 I struggled to engage my audience because the reviews did not really pertain to them, but this semester I would make a much more conscious effort to engage the audience better. I could also give information on the studio that drew the anime which could make or break the quality of a season or show. I plan to pursue the same general topic but with some added variance to keep things fresh this semester. 

The Overcoming of a Troubled Past


Koe no Katachi(A Silent Voice) is one of the best movies I have ever watched animated or not. Critically acclaimed in 2017, A silent voice creates an emotional picture of a bully reconciling with her victim after a life of trauma and agony. A silent voice shows that anyone can change as they grow up and redefine themselves as a person. The trauma of the girl bullied and the vicious ostracization of the bully leads to a beautiful story about the rekindling of their relationship. In the U.S and Japan this was considered one of the best anime movies ever released. Personally, A Silent Voice was one of the most beautiful movies I have ever watched and I was forever changed by the emotional impact that his movie has. The movie is 129 minutes long and follows bully Shoya Ishida and victim Shouko Nishimiya and their heartfelt journey to acceptance, friendship and love. Image result for koe no katachi gifs

Story 9/10

The story follows Shoya Ishida, a school bully, and Shouko Nishinomiya a student with a tragic hearing disability. It starts out with both of them in middle school and Nishinomiya is constantly being tormented by Ishida’s bullying. Eventually, Nishinomiya has to transfer schools due to bullying which causes Ishida to be ostracized from the school. With that it fast forwards to their high school days where Ishida ends up going to the same school as Nishinomiya again. Knowing all the harm he has caused her, he attempts to become friends with her to make amends about what he did in the past. The story then progresses with the attempts of him to make amends with her. Eventually they fall in love and the story complicates further and it focuses on Ishida’s attempt to reintegrate with society by becoming friends with Nishinomiya and forgetting his troubled past. Thematically the story is extremely well done. Although the story follows a former school bully, making it hard for the audience to ultimately sympathize with him, his situation and relationships are depicted in a way which not only makes you root for him but also makes you feel bad for both of their situations. The creator does a fantastic job exploring the tropes of social anxiety/ depression, coming to age and romance all in one emotional cinematic masterpiece.Image result for koe no katachi gifs

Characters 10/10

The characters in this movie is what makes it so great. Each character has a unique role in this cinematic universe that impacts the story line. Starting with Ishida, he starts out as a typical middle school bully, doing things to the less fortunate in the class so that he could seem funny or popular. However, once the tables have turned, he slowly starts to become a social outcast with anxiety which affects him into his high school years. Then instead of bullying he tries to right his wrongs and the person that helps him out the most with overcoming his anxiety is Nishinomiya. The character development that he undergoes comes full circle when he completely overcomes his social anxiety at the end of the movie. Nishinomiya as a character does not undergo as much character development as Ishida however her character is integral to the story. She is a sweet girl with a hearing disability which makes it hard for her to not only hear but also speak. She tries to actively help Ishida and become friends with him but many people try to stop such a thing from happening such as her sister and mother. However in the end it does work out and Nishinomiya ends up developing deeper feelings for Ishida which changes their whole dynamic. Overall the characters are well done and add elements to the story each in their own unique way. Image result for koe no katachi gifs

Art/Music 10/10

The art and music in this movie is phenomenal. Every scene is done with excruciating detail while the music builds to the emotion so well. The Art in this movie is important because it helps visually depict what social anxiety feels like which helps the audience sympathize with the main protagonist. The color and vibrancy in each scene helps paint a much clearer picture of the emotion behind each word or action that the characters do. The music also helps build the emotion in the movie. With such great visuals and a soundtrack to go along with it A Silent a Voice ascends all other movies in its genre with all the elements of a timeless classic. 


A Silent Voice was one of the stand out movies in 2017. It was was one of the movies that brought anime movies to the western world and popularized them. On the all time top 100 anime list it comes within the top 10 making it a fan favorite as well. With many positive critics reviews it is not surprising why so many people enjoyed this movie. With such a moving plot, deep characters and beautiful cinematics there is not much you can hate about this movie. I recommend this to anyone that enjoys emotional movies or coming of age stories. This movie touches on serious thematic elements in today’s society and this is a movie that everyone could benefit from watching. 

Story 9/10

Characters 10/10

Art/music 10/10

Overall 9.7/10

The Dangerous Adventures of a Twelve Year Old Boy


Hunter x Hunter is one of the most staple anime that any beginner or anime veteran can watch. It is a lengthy anime spanning 148 episodes however there is not a wasted minute in each episode. Whether it is developing new characters or adding new elements to the plot, hunter x hunter seems to never get boring even with the length that it is. It follows Gon Freecs and his friends as he sets off on a quest to become the greatest “hunter,” people who perform dangerous tasks for money or other benefit, and meet his long lost father. Along the way he meets aspiring doctor Leorio, vengeful Kurapika and ex-assassin Killua. They all set out on many dangerous adventures to achieve their individual goals while also fighting through all the hardships they encounter. Hunter x Hunter is one of the most memorable shows in the anime industry because of its ability to take such a simple storyline and develop it in a way that adds complex thematic elements to an easily understood plot. 

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Story 9/10

Although Hunter x Hunter is considered a generic battle anime, the way it develops fights and the storyline is something unforgettable. The story is split up into different arcs which allows there to be different antagonists and goals that the characters are achieving. This keeps the show feeling fresh and new while also seeing how the characters progress wholistically. The intelligence and thought put into each battle that gon and his friends face is outstanding. Not many anime in the same genre put the same amount of thought into the battle and strategy aspect of the anime which is why hunter x hunter really stands out. Also, the pacing of the story itself is amazing. In many longer anime there are episodes that are considered filler, which is a name for the episodes that are not apart of the main story line but instead used so that the animators can catch up to the storyline of the manga. However, Hunter x Hunter has no filler throughout all 148 episodes of the show which means that every episode adds to the overall plot of the show. However, what really makes the story so special is the Chimera Ant arc at the end of the series which is praised as one of the best story arcs in anime of all time. What holds this show back from a 10 is that the first arc of the show can be slow and not as interesting as some of the later arcs but they are definitely worth sitting through because it makes the rest of the show all the better. 

Characters 10/10

Gon—> The main protagonist is one the most lovable characters in any show. He starts out as the ambitious boy who wants to be a hunter and meet his father who has been a hunter all of Gon’s life. He is a bit of an air head but always gives his all no matter the situation. However, what is even more interesting is the character development he goes through buy the end of the show. It is so drastic to what he was like in the beginning of the show that it changes the whole atmosphere of the show. 

Killua—> The main protagonists best friend, he is one of the most interesting characters to look at. He is an ex-assassin from one of the best assassination families in the world making him extremely adept in fighting and strategic analysis. This acts as an amazing foil to Gons character making them the perfect duo in any situation. What is even more interesting is that he undergoes the opposite character development as Gon by the end of the story which makes for an even better character foil. 

Meruem—> The main antagonist of the Chimera Ant arc and one of the best villains ever written in anime. When he was born he started out as a ruthless killer that had no regard for any life. Meruem was a super genius that almost had no flaws. However, he met a little girl named Komugi and could never beat her a board games which slowly overtime makes him appreciate the human race and eventually seek peaceful resolutions rather than brute force. That change overtime makes him a beautiful character that has so much substance and development that it is almost impossible to not like him even with all the damage he has done.

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Art/Sound 9/10

The art style of hunter x hunter is extremely well done. Each scene is carefully animated and the fight scenes are extremely well choreographed. Whenever there needs to be an emotion conveyed through the animation of the scene the animators always get it spot on. The sound is also extremely fitting to any mood. The soundtrack always goes so well with every scene and it adds an extra layer to the anime that makes it so much better. The show does not receive a 10 in this section however because I am not the biggest fan of most of the openings and endings of this anime but that is just personal preference and many fans really enjoy the openings and endings of Hunter x Hunter. 

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Hunter x Hunter is one of the most popular anime in the western world. With its 9.1/10 on MyAnimeList , it ranks as one of the most highly rated anime every. It is one of the most memorable anime for me and the rest of the community because of its creative way for turning a formulaic genre into something that always keeps the viewer guessing. The story, character development and sound make this anime so much different than any of its Shounen counterparts making it something that will stick around for generations. The different story arcs and dynamic characters help create a plot that every type of person can be interested. Overall, I would give Hunter x Hunter a 9.25/10 because of its outstanding development and long lasting impact on the anime community. 

The Mind of a Mass Murderer


An egotistical high school student with the power to change the world, what could possibly go wrong? Death note is an anime that was released in 2006 and was apart of the golden age of Anime. One of the most widely accepted anime in the western world, it follows high school student Light Yagami as he possesses an all powerful note book called the death note. The death note has many rules involved with it but essentially it is a notebook that allows the user to kill anybody whose name is written in said notebook. Light uses this to kill criminals and eventually gets investigated by other main character named L. Both characters are super geniuses so this anime becomes an intense psychological cat and mouse game between L and Light. For people that are interested in shows such as criminal minds or other crime shows this anime would be perfect because it dives into the psyche of a mass murder and the detective trying to solve the case. This anime is one of the classic ones that everyone must watch when just starting to watch anime. The series is only 37 episodes and develops beautifully into one of the most insane mind bending shows that have ever been released. 

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Story 9/10

The story follows high school student Light Yagami and his Shinigami(death god), Ryuk, that comes with the death note. He starts about receiving the death note and questioning his ability. He starts writing names in the book and people actually start dying. This is when Light realizes that him and his superior mind are destined to cleanse the world of impurities and almost become a god like figure. When he starts killing people in prison and on death row the Japanese government decides to get involved with the case. However, Light being to smart for the normal police, the number one detective in the world L was called in to investigate the case. Since Light was the son of the chief of police for the area Light slowly got into contact with L and then worked side by side with him on the case even though he was the one carrying out the murders. Therefore, the show became a massive cat and mouse game to see how Light can out smart L without uncovering that he is in fact the killer. 


The structure of the story is actually extremely well done, especially the first half of it. The L saga was done perfectly and really encapsulated the the psychological thriller genre perfectly. However, where the story falls slightly apart is the second half of the story. When the new detectives Near and Mello are introduced the mystery aspect of the story got a little sloppy which made some of the conclusions to the case rushed. Many fans of the show really disliked the second half of the series however in my opinion the show was still just as great the whole way through. It just became less of a psychological thriller and more of a drama anime which is why the anime community felt like the ending was not fitting for the show. 


Characters 9/10

The anime had some of the best developed characters that any anime I have ever watched. However, there are a few characters that are extremely well developed and some that could seem lackluster. Starting with L and Light, these characters were beautifully developed in every way. The intellect that they portrayed never seemed contrived and the character development that they went through developed the plot well. Light slowly went from a calm and collected murderer to a hysteric criminal by the end of the show. L although stayed the same throughout the series, he provided an element of sanity that the viewers could root for. The general consensus on this anime is that L was usually the viewers favorite character and I would agree. His deductive skills always put L on edge which made the show significantly more interesting. Where the character development falls short is the second half with the introduction of Mello and Near. Both of those characters do not go through significant character development and stay rather flat throughout the series. This takes away from the dynamic character structure that Light and L brought to the story. However, the characters are some of the most well developed characters in anime and are praised for their love from the fanbase. 

Art/Music 8.5/10

The opening and the closing of the show is actually very good which adds a good element to the Anime. The soundtrack during the show is also well done but where this anime loses some of its points is the art style. It fits the show really well but does have some room for improvement. There are little things that could be fixed with the animation style such as lighting and the way some scenes are portrayed. For 2006 the art style was extremely well done but it does not compare to some of the other art styles I have reviewed before. 


For anyone interested in psychological thrillers or well developed plot lines this would be one of the best anime to watch. With the character development that occurs throughout the story it would only be fitting that this anime is one of the best and most loved all the time. It comes in at number 4 on the all time top 100 list which is extremely well deserved with the influence it had on the western anime viewers. If the more romantic or dramatic anime are not your speed, this is one you should definitely check out which dives into the minds of super genius detectives and criminals. 

Story 9/10

Characters 9/10

Art/Music 8.5/10

Overall 9/10

The Inner Workings of Time Travel

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The ability to change the world with the press of a couple buttons comes at the most costly price. Steins Gate is an anime about a self proclaimed mad scientist, Rintaro Okabe who stumbles across a way to send messages and eventually the whole consciousness back in time. By achieving time travel he makes all of his friends life better but it comes with a cost. Secret agents, death of loved ones and mental trauma is just the beginning of what Rintaro has to face when tampering with time. The relationship and world building that Steins Gate creates in the first 12 episodes perfectly sets up the rapid escalation of the plot in the latter 12 episodes perfectly blends together to make one of the best stories that I have ever watched. Relative to all the anime i have ever watched it has to be within the top 5 because of the scientific phenomena that the story is based on while also coupling the heart wrenching aspects of loss and existential crisis.  

Story 10/10

The story revolves around Rintaro Okabe the self proclaimed mad scientist and his “lab mates” that focus all of their time on time travel. He has made many attempts to actually time travel, however when he finally creates the invention of the phone microwave, a machine that can send emails(called D-mails) into the past to alter the future, he starts to mess around with time for his friends and for his sake. However these d-mails slowly start to alter their timeline which in the beginning does not have any adverse effects on his life however it slowly escalates into a conflict that can not be resolved. All the d mails that Okabe sent in order to change his friends lives must be reversed, which usually ended up worse than before. Once he reverses all the emails he is left with a soul crushing dilemma that makes him lose his sanity and ultimately lose interest in time travel all together. 

The structure of the story is an interesting one that the first 12 episodes of the show are actually much slower than the latter 12. This is because the first 12 episodes of the series act as a world building set up which helps strongly establish the relationship between Okabe and the rest of his friends. Due to this people usually drop the series after the first couple episodes, however if you stick with the series you will not be disappointed. The way it uses that world building to further conflicts later in the series is some of the best storytelling that I have ever seen in T.V in general. 

For a science fiction anime, the story progresses in a way that leaves almost no room for any time travel related loop-holes. Obviously, there is no way to determine if anything the show talks about is real however the theories and ideas they propose about time travel are presented away that almost feels completely real. As you are watching the show it grabs your attention so well that it is almost impossible to question the logic that the show presents you with. For the story element of the anime, there is almost nothing wrong with it, which is clearly why it deserves a 10 in this aspect. 

Characters 10/10

The character development of Steins;Gate is what makes the series so amazing. Okabe goes through some of the most complex character development that I have ever seen in an anime. He starts off as a very childish scientist who basically thinks about time travel as just another toy in his big game. However, as the story progresses he slowly realizes the consequences of all the d mails he sent, which sends him into a regressive spiral that makes him grow up and face all of the actions that he has caused. This causes him to go through such intense grief and sorrow that it almost makes completely insane until the end of the series. All of the character development that occurs is because of the actions of Rintaro which is why he bears the burden of all other problems and undergoes the most intense character transformation. 

About the other characters in general there is not much to be said because their role in the series is very contingent on the actions of Okabe Rintaro. However some characters such as Daru and Mayuri do have their own development it is usually due to the actions of Okabe and how those actions affect their lives. However, it did not take a way one bit from the characters because those initial 12 episodes created a world that was so easily to be attached to that the characters just fell into place. 

Art/Music 9/10

The opening and ending songs are some of the best music I have ever heard in anime. The soundtrack although quieter and less involved in the story it adds an element that deepens the emotion of every scene that happens. The music is slightly lackluster however what makes up for it is the amazing voice acting and art style that takes this anime to the next level. The art style is slightly dark and gloomy which juxtaposes the upbeat voice acting of Okabe Rintaro. This art style can foreshadow the dark turn that the show takes during the latter half of the series. The voice acting itself is extremely well developed, every character has a different tone and sound which bring life to the anime. The voice acting brings up the sound and visual aspect of the anime to another level because it would not have the same impact if it did not have the same uplifting voice acting. 


Overall I would give this anime a 9.5/10 because of its ability to take such a complex genre and interweave it into a beautifully written story. On the international anime list it reached number 6 showing the absolute influence this anime has had on the western world. The story and the characters woven together creates a series that has such depth and story development that hooks the audience with the first line of dialogue. If someone is deeply interested in physics or a good psychological thriller this would definitely be an anime I would recommend.  

The Intense Look into the Lives of Musicians


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Beautiful music, heart wrenching plot, deep characters and a beautiful art style wrapped in a 22 episode Anime. Your Lie in April can be enjoyed by all audiences from seasoned anime veterans to anime newbies. Your Lie in April is an intense look into the lives of musicians from all the joy and despair that comes with being a musical prodigy. Your Lie in April draws upon awkward romance that gets the audience to fall in love with the show the minute it turns on. This anime ranks as one of my favorite shows of all time, as it takes a romantic comedy genre that is oversaturated in anime and provides twists and turns that even opposers of the genre can thoroughly enjoy. For this review of Your Lie in April I’ll be discussing the plot, characters, and music/art. After the analysis, I will be using my review and trusted anime reviewing websites in the community to come up with an overall rating for the show out of 10 and my recommendation. 


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The story revolves around prodigious pianist Arima Kousei who in his early childhood days dominated every piano competition in his region. As his mother, Saki Arima’s health was deteriorating he started to be abused by her and eventually her passing led to Kousei being unable to play the Piano. Every time he plays he feels like he is underwater and his piano does not produce any sound to him. However, this all changes when he meets Kaori Miyazono, a cheerful violinist, that slowly pushes him to enjoy music again. The story revolves around Kousei and his development of musical maturity through the help of Kaori and his friends, Tsubaki Sawabe and Ryuota Watari. All four of them go on a musical journey full of euphoric highs and heart crushing lows that stick with the characters for ever. 

For a romantic comedy anime, the premise of the story is quite unique. There are almost no anime out there that intertwine the impact of music on relationships. The intense look into the lives of musicians even for a non-musician like myself was captivating because it opened my eyes to a new perspective that I could never even imagine. The general plot line is smooth with carefully woven plot twists and scenes of intense emotion that keeps the audience at the edge of their seat while also feeling all the emotions that the characters are feeling. 

In terms of actual plot structure, I believe that Your Lie in April is extremely effective. The pacing of the show is almost always perfect with the right amount of speed to keep the audience engaged while also slowing down the moments that really need to be drawn out emotionally. However, what holds this section back from a 10 is the world building aspect of the show could have been developed slightly better because some relationships and character interactions can seem contrived. However that is a very niche criticism that gets overshadowed by the intense and elegant plot progression. 


The character development of the main characters are predictable but that absolutely does not take away from the impact that the character development has on the audience. Arima Kousei underwent possibly the biggest character development out of all the main characters in the anime. He started out as an awkward middle schooler who could not play the piano anymore, to a happy, and beautiful pianist that inspires the next generation to come. He was always an outstanding pianist, but by the end of the anime you gain a new understanding and respect for the skill that Kousei shows. He went through quite a predictable and cliché coming of age but the way this coming of age is told resonates with audience so strongly that it completely outweighs the clichés that may come about. 

Another character that undergoes a deep character development is Tsubaki Sawabe. Tsubaki was Kousei’s childhood best friend and always stuck by his side through thick and thin. As they progress through middle school and their lives, she slowly starts to be uncertain about her feelings towards Kousei. It slowly starts to bud into a crush and created a dichotomy where Kousei was interested in Kaori and Tsubaki was interested in Kousei. As she came to terms with her feelings she came to terms with herself and decided that she wants to stay with Kousei no matter what. It presents a coming of age that is heartfelt and genuine with all the relationship building in the world to back it up. Overall, the characters undergo heavy character developments due to what happens in the story but for spoiler reasons I will have to stop there. 


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I can not begin to describe the beautiful artwork and breathtaking music A-1 pictures uses in Your lie in April. The classical music performed during competitions and the way each competition is portrayed is absolutely breathtaking and anyone who even remotely enjoys a well animated art style will fall in love with this show instantly. The animation of each performance is accurate to the notes that are being hit on the keyboard and the emotion behind the music makes all of the vibrant colors pop out of the screen. Every scene is animated with such detail that the audience could get attached to the show just based on scenery alone. Out of all of the anime I have watched, the art style in Your Lie in April is almost unforgettable no matter how many anime I watch. The wave of emotions that the animation coupled with the story presents makes you wonder who is cutting onions in your room. The raw emotion the music and animation presents is almost unlike any other show and it just sends this anime over the top. 


Your Lie in April’s story, character and thematic elements lend itself to be one of my absolute favorite anime of all time. On the top 100 international anime list it came in at 8 all the time and it was very well deserved. The integration of the romantic comedy genre with the fantastical life of musicians creates an anime that resonates with all audiences no matter the background. Overall, I would rate this anime a 9.5/10 because to me, the ability to invoke intense emotions in the audience while also following a unique plot line. If I had to recommend an anime to someone who wants to get into anime this would definitely be it. 

Story 9.5/10

Characters 9/10

Art/Music 10/10

Overall: 9.5/10

Two Passion Blog Ideas

Anime tv show/movie review

One passion of mine is watching Japanese animated tv shows/movies called anime. I would pick previous series that I have watched and analyze them for their characters, plot and animation style, while rating them at the end of the review. There are many cinematic masterpieces that get overlooked and I would like to shine some light on them for my own and other peoples entertainment.

Super Smash Bros Analysis

Although not interesting to the masses, there is usually a lot of skill and technique that goes into playing Super Smash Bros at the casual or professional level. For this idea I would analyze matches between the best in the world and see what they are doing that makes them so skilled. Also while looking at how they adapt between games and within games. It could shine some light on to the skill and precision movements that professional e sports players need in order to become the best of the best. I have been playing Super Smash ever since I got my first video game console so it holds a pretty big place in my heart and I would love to analyze the next level of the game.