Two Potential Pieces for Rhetorical Analysis

Satirical Political Cartoons 

One place that overflows with strong rhetoric are the political cartoons that catch the eye of the average teenager surfing the internet. Therefore, one idea for my civic artifact would be cartoons that satirically highlight some of the common conceptions in todays politics. Furthermore, I would provide an in-depth analysis of the political ideology that is behind the cartoon, what the cartoon is trying to accomplish and is it affective. I take a lot of interest in todays political climate and analyzing humorous political cartoons seems like a perfect way to accomplish just that.
Image result for political cartoons Related image

Kinder Egg and Gun Control Comparison

In the United States the chocolate easter egg, Kinder Egg is banned dude to its apparent choking hazard. However, the internet took this idea and ran with it making an abundance of memes involving kinder eggs and guns. It provides an interesting commentary and rhetorical techniques that appeal to the average teenager browsing the internet. Therefore, I would provide an analysis of why kinder eggs are banned in the US and how they are significantly harder to obtain than a gun. Also, how that has affected not only the media but the entire nation, through relaxed gun control laws. Looking at the publics response to these memes are really important because it sheds light into the underlying feelings of these issues.

Image result for gun control psa

Image result for gun control kinder egg meme icarly

One thought on “Two Potential Pieces for Rhetorical Analysis”

  1. I think both ideas are really good, but I particularly like the first idea about political cartoons. My only suggestion would be to maybe incorporate cartoons that are more subtly political, like Calvin and Hobbes.

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