2 Potential HoPC topics

Topic 1- Nature vs Nurture

The first topic that our public controversy group has decided to analyze is the nature vs nurture idea involving serial killers and the criminally insane. There has been much debate about what has more influence on the minds of serial killers their upbringing or some genetic factor. There are many studies that show many serial killers as abused during their childhood which forces them to think about violence as the best problem solving method. Therefore, many serial killers have upbringings that are abusive which affects their mental state in adulthood. This would be a good History of a Public Controversy topic because there have been many studies about the origin of the serial killer mind. Whether there are biological agents that make children more prone to being serial killers or their upbringing affects their likelihood to become a serial killer, there is a lot of information within the debate to look at. 

Topic 2- Legalization of Marijuana

One of the most controversial legislation that is being talked about in U.S politics is whether Marijuana should be legalized. Although it has been legalized in some states there is still some backlash by U.S politicians about whether those states were justified in legalizing the drug. There are many studies that show both the harm and harmless nature of the drug, which is why it makes a good history of a public controversy topic. There is a lot of literature on both sides of the argument which would make it a good topic to analyze. By looking at the affects of marijuana compared to other controlled substances, it would be interesting to see which side of the argument has the stronger rhetoric and data to back them up.  Many articles found that the drug does not have adverse effects on people and could actually benefit the economy, however many other articles find that there are adverse effects on physical and mental health.

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