I know my last two posts have been book reviews, but I figured you guys are probably getting tired of reading them. Despite me finishing another book, I thought I would do a book haul of what I bought at a thrift store the other weekend. I am known to buy a lot of books – like hundreds of dollars worth of books in one trip – but I felt I had good reasoning in almost all of these books. I must say, similar to how I like the floppiness of books, I also love used books and just the feel about the book already being worn in. I do have ten books so I will try to keep my descriptions pretty short.

I wanted to start with this book because it is a book from my childhood that I remembered reading in primary school and being obsessed with. I could never remember the name or find it anywhere, but there it was on the shelf of this thrift store, glistening like a star. And best of all, for only two dollars.

Now this one had a couple redeeming qualities. First off, I am a lover of myth and we were talking about this book in my Greek Civilizations class so I knew I wanted to read it. It is also a classic and let me tell you, buying used classics is amazing. They are already broken in and have that old book smell, plus they usually have a nice floppiness to them.

Now I have to be honest, I bought this book for one reason and one reason only. It has frogs in the title. I saw this title and was leaping for joy. I love frogs and it is a nice used book for like two dollars so I couldn’t say no.

Once again, this book was a classic and the old style and feel of the book just captured me. It’s a worn hardcover with cool looking print at a thrift store and I must buy it. I swear I do sometimes buy books to read and for the plot, and not just for their texture or appearance.


Now of course we have a few of the “Series of Unfortunate Events” books. These are practically a classic to me and I loved them growing up and watching the TV show on Netflix only increased my appreciation for them. I hope to eventually recollect all of them from used book stores, but for now these two will have to count.

A pretty cover with a squishy hard back will always take my heart. Plus the Grimm’s Fairy Tales are iconic and I needed to have my own version.

This book was once again a nice old hardcover, except it is just a book on butterflies and weeds. I kid you not, the whole book is filled with colorful pictures of butterflies and plants. Needless to say, I love it.

I honestly don’t really have a great reason for buying this book except that the plot seemed catching and it was only two dollars. At the very least it will look nice on a bookshelf.

Bonus points to my grandma for sending me this book in the mail. I obviously did not get this book thrifting, but wanted to give it an honorable mention to being the newest addition to my book collection along with the rest. It is supposed to be a very good book based on the reviews and I mean, look at that cover. Skeletons and flowers? I would die for it.

2 thoughts on “book haul :)))

  1. This is such a cool post idea! I loved reading about the books you found. I think it would be really cool if you reviewed some of these books later! Overall great job and awesome puns!

  2. I also grew up reading “A Series of Unfortunate Events”, I loved them! I like the variety you’ve included in this haul! I love your book reviews, but the change in pace was nice. Great job!

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