First, for my two ideas for my passion blog, I am either thinking of continuing my book blog or maybe doing some kind of plant care blog. I will likely continue to the book blog with book reviews and hauls, but am not one hundred percent sure.

For the civics issue blog, I might do something regarded climate change and if we need to take immediate action or something regarding athletics in college and if athletics are too prominent in a college’s identity.

For the “This I Believe” podcast, I am considering doing something like I believe in teachers and talking about how individual teachers had a big impact on my life.. Another topic I am considering is I believe in the younger generation and that they can bring about change.

3 thoughts on “rcl blog #1

  1. I really like the ideas! I think a book blog OR a plant care one could be really interesting. Your other ideas are also super cool. I think any one you choose could be very impactful! I think the teacher one would be so meaningful.

  2. Anna, I like both of your ideas for your passion blog. I would definitely be intrigued by either category. For the Civic Issues ideas, I like both. I feel as though there is so much to talk about with either idea and you couldn’t go wrong with either choice. For the “This I Believe” podcast, I think that you have a great start with both ideas. If you have a specific story about a certain teacher or a specific story about an impactful young friend, that would be fantastic. Overall, great looks!

  3. Your ideas are really intriguing. I think climate change is super important and would make for a great civic issues blog. I also really like the teacher topic, I’ve definitely had lots of good teachers in my life and I think it would be an excellent topic for your podcast.

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