To stick with the theme of sustainability, I am going to focus this civic issues blog around the idea of transportation and sustainable methods to transport both people and cargo. There are many different methods of transportation around today, including motor vehicles, trains, planes, and ships. All of these methods can further be broken down into different types that have different sources of energy such as electric cars compared to gas cars. The questions that I want to think about are: what transportation method is most sustainable and efficient to transport human being across long distances and also short distances? And what transportation method is most sustainable and efficient to transport cargo and materials?
The first method that I want to look into is planes and air travel. As I am sure many of you know, traveling by air is not very sustainable as it directly emits carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, further increasing global warming. Despite this, it is a very efficient way to travel long distances for many people as it is both quick and direct while being within a reasonable price for most people (let’s pretend this is all pre-pandemic for simplicity). It is also a great way to transport mail and other large cargo in a shorter time than a truck or ship. There are many advances being made and suggested to make planes more environmentally friendly like electric planes or planes powered by hydrogen. The honest truth however, is that planes are not very sustainable and will likely not become green for a very long time, if ever ( On this note, I want to consider if planes should still be a common option for travel for all people or should it be reserved for special circumstances like going international? There are ways to try to travel more sustainably by planes, like taking direct flights or choosing better airlines, but the best way to cut down on these emissions is to cut out air travel more frequently or all together. I will go on to discuss other types of transportation, but I still want to think about whether taking a plane is really worth it.
The next method I would like to dissect is cars and road vehicles. Once again, I don’t want to be repetitive and I know most of you are probably aware of the impacts of gas cars on the environment, so I won’t go into too much detail on that. As shown in the graphic below, road vehicles are responsible for almost 75% of CO2 emissions worldwide (
Obviously, the ideal situation would be switching to electric vehicles, but this would require a big change in infrastructure everywhere, and would still need to be improved if we wanted to apply it for freight vehicles like semi-trucks. Personally, I do not see a big disadvantage to switching to electric cars as long as they are reasonably priced and more electric charging stations become available. It is more environmentally friendly, and does not cause any real inconvenience besides needing to charge your car instead of putting gas in it (which I personally think is actually an advantage with gas prices). The biggest issue with electric vehicles, is that they are not currently ideal for long distance travel, with the average distance possible with one charge being about 250 miles (,%2C%20battery%20size%2C%20and%20more.).
This is plenty for local driving and short trips, but may be a problem for road trips or people who need to travel long distances for work. I think this is a good alternative for people who want to have their own transportation, compared to public transportation, but do not want to have as big of an impact on the environment. In this case, if this switch to mostly electric cars becomes possible in the future, I think cars can remain a reliable source of travel for the general public along with public transportation and other alternative forms.
I want to touch very briefly on local travel and alternatives for it. While electric cars are an improvement, using public transport like buses and subways can also be decently sustainable as they transport a very large amount of people with only one source of power. It is much more eco-friendly to have 30 people on one gas powered bus, than 30 people, each driving their own gas car. If you live in a city or easy to travel area, you can also consider options like walking or riding a bike. This is not always feasible, but if everyone did this every once in while, it could have an impact.
The final method I want to talk in more detail about is trains. Overall they are pretty sustainable, but just like everything could use some work. The average train emits about 100 grams of CO2 per mile ( Similar to a plane, it can transport a lot of people and cargo, but is much more environmentally friendly. In this way, it is both efficient and sustainable in many ways compared to other modes of transportation. For these reasons, I think this is what I would consider the best transportation for long distances without crossing water ways, but people have different priorities and this might not be ideal for everyone. I would like to consider the idea of bullet trains and making them more common in the United States and other countries. I’m sure most of you are aware of the bullet trains in Japan, but the Shinkansen, as it is called in Japan, has been operational since 1964 and has a total of 1,717 miles of track. In this time it has carried over 10 billion passengers and can reach speeds of over 200 miles per hour ( I think the US could learn from this as it is electrically powered, so it is relatively eco-friendly, and is also extremely efficient and fast. This could be a very realistic replacement for planes in many circumstances and uses much less energy.
I hope this provided some insight into transportation and how it effects the environment and people. I can not provide an answer to satisfy all people for my previous questions, but I think the use of air travel and gas vehicles needs to drastically decrease in the coming years. I think focusing on electric modes of transportation is ideal for efficiency and sustainability, and that other options should only be used on occasion and for certain circumstances.
Hi Anna! I found your civic issues blog very interesting. I think it is very important to understand the different environmental impacts of the different types of transportation. Right now, my main method of transportation is walking, which is very sustainable. But when I am at home, I have to drive to most places. I agree that electric cars can be a good solution to sustainability. However, a big problem that most people forget to consider is that in order to be sustainable, the electricity must also come from a sustainable source. I think you brought up some great points on the pros and cons of several methods of transportation!
Hi Anna! I think you did a great job dissecting the different types of transportation and their sustainability. I remember traveling by metro a lot when I was younger, and I think they are definitely a lot more sustainable than cars. Personally, I think the most sustainable way is just pretty much walking, but it is sad to see how besides the campus and downtown, State College isn’t really walkable. I also see how there can be a big debate about whether the use of airplanes is sustainable. I have not heard about electric or hydrogen planes though, but they seem like cool alternatives.
Hi Anna! This blog was so well done. The structure and organization of it made your points clear and powerful. The way you analyzed each area of transportation and realistically looked at solutions was very effective in giving an accurate view to the whole picture. I’ve travelled a lot in my life whether by train, plane, or car and I never realized how much damage there truly is in frequent travel. I’ll be sure to be more conscious going forward