Behind The Screen

The Global Impact of Marvel Projects

Paul Bettany: From Voice to Vision

To many fans of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the name Paul Bettany does not ring a bell. For those unfamiliar with the actor, don’t question whether you have seen all of the movies. Paul Bettany goes by several other names in the franchise. What started as a voice acting role as Jarvis to the iconic,…

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Elizabeth Olsen: Her Own Path

Elizabeth Olsen stars as Scarlett Witch in several Marvel projects. Yet how is she the third famous Olsen sister? Well, when you are the younger sister to twin celebrities, the path to stardom does not come without challenges. Olsen was born in Sherman Oaks, California, in 1989. She grew up right into the entertainment industry…

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Brie Larson: Reaching New Heights

When you first think of superheroes, chances are Captain Marvel doesn’t come to mind. Yet Brie Larson has taken on the role of the character and turned her into a household name. Larson was born in 1989 in Sacramento, California. Her childhood was spent at home, as she was homeschooled. In fact, her first language…

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