
Highlight stories of people who use totes and how common they are, yet impactful.

  • “Walking down the street, you spot a man carrying his groceries bundled in a canvas bag. Sitting in class, the girl next to you has her books stored in another canvas tote. You attend a club meeting only to notice that the officers all have matching canvas bags with the club logo embroidered on the front.”
  • “These canvas totes are more than accessories; they hold a deeper significance.”

Thesis: Canvas tote bags frame the civic by expressing an inherent connection to a community of environmental activism and advocacy, and to subgroups through related designs.

PowerPoint visual aid with collage of different tote bag designs and uses. What's Inside My Bag?

Introduce “What’s in my bag?” visual aid.

  • I will bring a tote of my own and analyze what elements of a civic-framing artifact it “holds,” by filling it with common items for comedic effect, as well as labels for power, community, identity, etc.

Main point 1: Community, Identity, & Purpose

People belong to a community of environmentalists who care about sustainability, just by carrying a canvas tote instead of plastic bags.

  • Totes represent they are taking specific steps to reduce their carbon footprint.
  • Plastic bags harm the planet with waste and getting caught in ecosystems.

People relate through this shared accessory.

People advertise what communities they belong to based upon logos on their bags.

  • Styles are a community; shared logos are a community.

Purpose: fulfills the obligation to protect the earth and the purpose of creating a community by making a visible statement that tote-carriers are environmentalists.

Main point 2: Power, History, & Rhetorical Situation/Exigence

“The rhetorical situation that called for this artifact to act was the exigence of climate change misinformation.”

  • Disagreement over how severe this concern is.
  • Climate advocates normalized carrying reusable bags, especially into normal settings, such as schools or the grocery store.

The use of canvas bags became more widely seen in the 1940’s after L.L. Bean released an ice bag.Why L.L. Bean Makes the Best Tote Bag, According to Experts

  • These bags were durable, versatile, and soon they were used more widely.
  • Grew into a fashion statement in the 1960’s, with L.L. Bean altering the colors and shape to represent more styles.

Using these bags in many everyday settings makes them visible to a large audience.

  • Frames a larger part of the civic.
  • Shows how versatile they are, making others want to participate.

Canvas bags advocate for policies which protect natural resources, taking action to reduce single-use plastics.

  • Recent environmental policies have been created that charge for plastic bags now or eliminate them entirely.

Tote bags allow all citizens to have power in civic engagement.

  • They are inexpensive, or free in many giveaway/gift situations from organizations.
  • It takes very little time to accessorize with a tote.
  • Means a larger group of people can frame a larger civic audience with this artifact.

Main point 3: Ideologies & Commonplaces

Some people use tote bags simply because it matches their style, while others use them specifically to make a statement about promoting sustainability.

No matter what the reason, using a canvas bag is inherently associated with environmentalism.Save Earth, Save Us" Tote Bag – Political Action

  • “This artifact depicts this ideology by protecting natural resources, as an environmentalist would, through sustainably sourced accessorizing.”

Commonplaces: “sustainable living,” “reducing single-use plastics,” “express yourself”

  • Frequently heard on the news; canvas bags are a simple way to act.
  • Self-expression is achievable with this affordable, easy accessory.

“The overall artifact is meaningful from an environmentalist ideology, and specific patterns and logos on canvas bags create additional meaning to the wearer who identifies with those traits.”


Tote bags are a simple way to feel productive in acting against climate change.

“This product responded to that kairotic moment by taking the platform of climate action and making it accessible to more people.”

  • They are accessible and cover a large audience, making them effective at framing the civic.


History of the Tote Bag


Spilled bag

Bean bags

Save Earth, Save Us bag