
Hook: Tesla: making the sustainability movement inaccessible.

Thesis: This Tesla advertisement responded to the kairotic moment of climate activism, it misguides consumers into believing their product is widely accessible, and it evokes an aesthetic appeal to the electric vehicles.

Main point 1

Tesla manufacturers reacted to the current climate activism movement by presenting their cars as a perfect response to the kairotic moment.

  • Every shot in the video has bright light and some sort of greenery, with a light and airy mood.

Main point 2

The Tesla cars are suggested to be accessible and convenient for all buyers.

  • They advertise the “largest charging network in the world.”
  • “With access to tens of thousands of chargers.”
  • This is misleading, as Teslas are incredibly expensive.
  • Their prices start at approximately $43,000.

Main point 3

The car shapes the civic to pursue an aesthetic, relaxing sustainability approach.

  • The design of the car is sleek.
  • They include shots of the touchscreen car.
  • A man stretches while charging his car, calm and unbothered.
  • “Enjoy the freedom” while discussing the car’s capabilities.


This ad presents Teslas to the public as sleek, appealing cars that will solve the climate change issue in a convenient, accessible way.

  • This is misleading and untrue.
  • Begin with small steps, such as driving less overall and reducing single-use plastics.
  • There are approaches to sustainability other than purchasing a $50,000 car.



Tesla pricing