What was the most helpful feedback you received in the peer review workshops?

The most helpful feedback I received during the two peer editing sessions was about the organization of my thesis and how specific my statement of the shift was. This allowed me to edit my thesis to be more aligned with the structure of my body paragraphs, which makes for a more stronger organization of the essay overall. I also included more explicit statements of the timing of the shift to highlight a more severe contrast.

What were the most interesting discoveries you made as you researched your topic?

Rocky Movie Poster

The most interesting developments I made while researching left-handedness were about the scientific studies following hand dominance. These sources provided information on how left-handedness is genetic and the brain functions it stimulates, supporting the discovery that it is not just some “sinful” decision.

I was also surprised by how representation for lefties correlated so strongly to the shift, with the lefty boxer in the movie Rocky being released the same year as International Left-Handers Day began observance.


What is the significance of the paradigm shift you explored? In other words, what do you feel is most important point for your reader to take away from your paper?

1970's women right movement - The 70's

The greater significance of the shift is the sentiments of inclusion and liberation being emphasized in the ’70s. Society being able to overcome biases surrounding language and culture that favors right-handedness represents an increase in sympathy and acceptance reaching public attitudes.


How has this project helped you develop as a writer?

This project helped me in organizing dense research and displaying it in a cohesive manner. I developed an outline, which was extremely valuable when writing my actual essay. I identified reliable sources and relevant information. A skill I have gained from this essay that I will continue to use moving forward is analyzing connections between several sources and studies that follow similar patterns.


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