This week I will take us on an adventure away from the Redifer Dining Commons and to the HUB-Robeson Center. A new favorite restaurant of mine has become Blue Burrito: a safe alternative to the questionable taco nights at the buffets.


If you’re craving a bowl, burrito, or taco, but don’t want to travel downtown to Chipotle, gluten-free eaters should consider Blue Burrito. This “Fresh-grilled Mexican fare” is a delicious option conveniently in a central location on campus. Diners enter a line and employees assemble a burrito or bowl based upon the ingredients selected by the customer. This structure of trained individuals interacting with all ingredients instead of a self-serve style is much safer for gluten-free eaters. It reduces cross-contamination, which could spoil an entire meal.

The ability to select ingredients as you pass down a line instead of asking for changes to be made to an order provides much comfort to people with dietary restrictions. This is especially true when all options, from proteins to toppings, are labeled for allergens, so celiacs can cater their lunches specifically to their needs. However, the fact that gluten-containing ingredients are immediately next to those which are labeled as “safe” is concerning. This proximity can lead to spillage between the two and, therefore, contamination.

Blue Burrito Food Line

Some additional negatives to Blue Burrito is the limited menu and hours. No gluten-free tortillas are available, so celiacs can only enjoy the bowls. This is disappointing since naturally gluten-free corn tortillas are widely used in Mexican cuisine, but not at Blue Burrito. The hours are also minimal, open only from 10AM-3PM, Monday-Saturday. This means it is exclusively a lunch option, so gluten-free dinners muse be found elsewhere.

Even if you were considering Blue Burrito for lunch, first-timer gluten-free diners must enter the restaurant blind. There is no menu available online, meaning it was pure luck when I arrived at the station to find I would have a gluten-free option. This is unsettling for celiacs to not have a confirmed, safe meal at that location, meaning it may not gain traction as a strong gluten-free dining option. Additionally, dining at the HUB is at less of a discount on the meal plan, meaning it may not be as financially sustainable for gluten-free students.

Although this gluten-free option is lacking, we are lacking gluten-free options. After analyzing the lack of online menu and limited options, but hidden safe ingredients for a solid bowl, I award Blue Burrito a 3 star GF rating.


Blue Burrito image