As a student in the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences, I often find myself spending the majority of my days of the west side of campus. Out of convenience, I often opt to dine at the West Food District in the Waring Square Buffet. As gluten-free eater, this is a safe option with many exciting treats!

West Food District | LiveOn

A major positive for students with celiac in the Waring Square Buffet is the fact that employees administer the food, scooping portions and handing it to diners. This reduces cross contamination by limiting who makes contact with the food to only trained individuals.

Waring Square Buffet @ West | LiveOn

Some of the recurring options at West are its pizza and pasta stations. Although gluten-free eaters cannot partake, they do consistently offer a salad bar with a plethora of options and grilled chicken to ensure I am always able to get some protein. Labels are provided in all sections of the buffet clearly listing allergens, assisting me in selecting safe food choices.Udi's Gluten-Free 1.7 oz. Individually Wrapped Chocolate Chip Cookie - 36/Case

Aside from the pasta and pizza, Waring Square Buffet is famous for its warm, delicious chocolate chip cookies. Obviously, these are chock-full of gluten, but that does not mean that celiacs are unable to enjoy a treat, even a chocolate chip cookie. Located between the fruit station and bakery items is a container full of gluten-free bagels, muffins, cookies, rolls, and loaves of bread. I am able to enjoy a sweet treat equal to my gluten-consuming friends with the safety of no cross-contamination. These items are all sealed and pre-packaged. Although they are not freshly baked, it does ensure the safety of their ingredients. Additionally, the fact that it is openly available and I do not have to specially request it improves convenience. It saves me from time-consuming, confusing conversations about gluten-free demands when all I really want is a simple cookie.

For its readily available gluten-free treats and consistently safe meal options, I award the Waring Square Buffet a 5 star GF rating.


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