Living on the Edge

Need some caffeine to start your morning? Or a midday snack? The Edge is the place to turn…unless you are a gluten-free student.

The Edge is a quick dining option located in both Redifer Commons in the South or Findlay Commons in East. It offers Starbucks drinks and Penn State Bakery items. Customers have the easy option of ordering online and picking up food and drinks at their own convenience. There are conflicting positive and negative attributes to this dining option, especially when considering the safety of students with dietary restrictions.

Edge Coffee Shop Counter Penn State Bakery - Penn State Homecoming

This quick cafe offers a variety of baked goods, none of which are safe for students with celiac disease. All baked goods are assumed to contain wheat, but safety is even more difficult to confirm since ingredients and allergens are a total mystery. Unlike other Penn State dining locations, the Edge and quick-stop shops appear to have fewer standardized requirements for allergen information. Labels are inconsistent and further information is not available online. This restricts gluten-free diners to only the occasional piece of fruit offered closer to the register. Any more substantial snack, although they look delicious, are dangerous and off-limits.

Similarly, the Starbucks drink menu offers a plethora of drinks, but with no allergy information displayed in person. This creates extreme discomfort for diners who have concerns about specific ingredients or contaminants. Starbucks Gluten-Free (Menu Options for 2024!) - Meaningful EatsHowever, allergens and nutrition information are available on the Starbucks website or app. This requires some additional effort, but it is transparent and accurate. The Starbucks drink menu is also almost entirely safe for students with celiac. All baked items contain wheat, but teas, coffees, and other blended drinks are free of contaminants, providing safe and refreshing drink options for gluten-free students.

Somewhat unrelated to allergen-safety, it is worth noting that the Edge unfortunately does not accept Starbucks gift cards, even though it carries their products. Drinks are also placed in the open for any passersby to take or accidentally contaminate with gluten. Additionally, the Edge is only open for short hours in the earlier part of the morning until 2PM daily, limiting availability.

If you are a student with celiac disease seeking a gluten-free snack, the Edge is not the place to stop. It offers no solid safe options for food, but the drink menu is reliable. If you are craving a yummy drink, whether a light tea or flamboyant Frappuccino in the morning or early afternoon, the Edge has you covered, also allowing you to order on a whim. Because of these points, the Edge receives a 2.5 star GF rating.


The Edge image

Bakery logo

Starbucks gluten-free ad

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