Futuristic AI
To start, AI technology has been around since the 1950’s, but as of recently, specifically in 2017, ‘Generative AI’ took the world by storm. Businesses around the world have quickly adapted and adopted the new AI technology, experimenting in a multitude of different areas, such as finance, education, law, science, and healthcare, where they have already changed the landscape for how those industries will operate.
What is Generative AI?
Generative AI uses Large Language Models (LLMs) that break down data (i.e., words, letters, punctuation, symbols, spaces, etc.) into tokens that represent a sequence of characters either individually or grouped with other characters. Each LLM uses a particular list of tokens (e.g., GPT-2 language model uses a vocabulary of 50,257 tokens. Each one of the 50,257 tokens is given a unique identifier where the AI takes in a large amount of data (i.e., inputs), and then learn
s how the tokens are used within the data inputs, thus using probabilities to predict and determine what token will follow the last. These LLM’s are able to do this because of something called a ‘transformer’. Transformers allow AI to understand language better now than ever before because transformers have the ability to analyze an entire data set in the blink of an eye, taking every character (i.e., token) into consideration, whether the dataset is just a sentence, paragraph, book, magazine article, etc. Another key component that has allowed Generative AI and transformers become better and better at predicting what the next word in a sequence will be because of a concept called ‘self-attention’. Self-attention allows LLMs to understand the relationship between words (i.e., tokens) and is able to give them a value which helps it determine what words are the most important to understand the intended meaning, thus greatly helping the LLM’s capability to predict the next character/token in the sequence. In short, the more data that is fed to the LLM, the Generative AI self-attention feature will have a better understanding of how to weigh the characters/tokens from the inputs given to it, thus the AI model will become better at predicting what the next word should be.
A very popular and familiar Generative AI chatbot, Chat GPT, created and owned by OpenAI was launched November 30, 2022. The chatbot quickly became the talk of the town and all of social media was sharing samples they had, ranging from written poems, travel planning, stories, etc. Now almost 2 years later, Chat GPT seems to be the frontrunner in the AI space to change how customer service, education, business, healthcare, etc., are run.
Generative AI being Leveraged in Healthcare– Axon Dao
It’s no secret that LLMs generative AI capabilities are going to be the future for an industry that is predicated on predicting future outcomes or early diagnoses based on symptoms, such as speech impairments, physical ailments, or physical abnormalities. Axon Dao, a company whose inception was in 2014 has since evolved into a company that leverages and utilizes AI and blockchain technology to monitor vocal biomarkers in humans to detect conditions such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s Dementia, PTSD, and Huntington’s Disease. These vocal biomarkers have also been used to evaluate energy levels, and Axon Dao has stated this could be the future where individuals are evaluated before driving commercial trucks, cars, and/or operating large machinery.
Axon Dao uses its computational platform’s data inputs to create their generative AI predictor model that was originally designed to develop extremely sophisticated machine learning models, but has since integrated and now supports voice data analysis. Axon Dao utilizes blockchain technology to ensure data remains unaltered, secure, and traceable for all individuals who choose to share their data, for which they state that this allows individuals to have complete ownership and control over their data, thus enhancing trust by giving individuals the power to decide who can access their data for research purposes.
What would be the incentive for individuals to give up their medical data to Axon Dao?
The incentive for an individual to grant Axon Dao the ability to store their data and share with other researchers comes in the form of paying individuals in a cryptocurrency on the blockchain called AXGT (Axon Dao). The distribution of coins to Axon Dao’s users ensure that individuals continue to provide medical data that is needed for further developments, and it also ensures researchers, doctors, scientists, etc., have all the data they need to make vast improvements in the healthcare industry.
Is Axon Dao similar to OpenAI in A Sense of how their company operates and how their AI works?
Axon Dao and OpenAI are vastly different when it comes to how their companies and AIs operate. For instance, Axon Dao rewards its users with a form of currency to collect their data, OpenAI does not. Axon Dao is controlled by their community, and Axon Dao allows one to control and determine the visibility of their data throughout the process, OpenAI does not. Axon Dao operates as a central hub for any individual, including scientists, Dr’s, or research labs to contribute their data to their AI algorithm, OpenAI does not. Axon Dao also allows for researchers who are part of the DAO to propose new research ideas, which are voted on, and then potentially approved, OpenAI does not.
Pioneers like Axon Dao, whom have chosen to pave the way for future advancements within the medical industry by incentivizing individuals to voluntarily give their medical data for the betterment of humanity, potentially leading to breakthroughs, especially when it comes to pre-symptomatic detection, early-stage detection, and early intervention in Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s Dementia, PTSD, and Huntington’s Disease have already changed the healthcare/research industry. Companies like Axon Dao have the potential to grow large very quickly, and I believe the time is now for someone looking to start a business and/or get involved with a start-up business of this kind to not only help yourself out financially in the future, but also, to help out humanity.
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC11019981/
- https://ig.ft.com/generative-ai/#:~:text=Transformers%20process%20an%20entire%20sequence,or%20generate%20%E2%80%94%20text%20more%20accurately.
- https://blog.miguelgrinberg.com/post/how-llms-work-explained-without-math
- https://axondao.io/project-avoice.php
Citation— Pictures
- https://blog.gopenai.com/large-language-models-llms-a-brief-history-applications-challenges-c2fab10fa2e7
- https://voicebot.ai/2023/12/18/openai-startup-funds-converge-accelerator-starts-accepting-new-applicants/
- https://axondao.io/how-axon-works.php
- https://www.neebal.com/blog/generative-ai-vs.-predictive-ai-unraveling-the-distinctions-and-applications
- https://twitter.com/AxonDAO/status/1762093735876165728/photo/1