Is there really a difference being a child in 2019 versus 2000?

            I go into a house to babysit and have the kid ask me if we can watch a movie. I find the remote and go to turn on the tv but can’t figure it out. In seconds the child has it on for me. Now to find out how to get the DVD player to work, nope streaming service. I stare at the remote to try to figure out what to press to get to the streaming service but the child simply gets it all set up.

It is simply amazing how children can understand the works of any technology. Growing up the only buttons I needed to understand was on/off, volume, and channel.

While it is impressive Andrew Butts states how it is impossible for kids to get away from today’s technology (Butts, 2016). At home, school, and playing with friends technology is more and more apparent.

Kids will be outside playing a game of soccer but will still have their cell phones on them to make sure they do not miss a text.

Technology is everywhere you look, how could children in 2019 be the same as children in 2000 when all that’s surrounding them is technology?


Butts, Andrew. (2016). Odyssey . Today’s Kids Vs Yesterday’s Kids.

Fatima, Arooj. (2017). The Nation. Excessive use of technology in children.



4 thoughts on “Is there really a difference being a child in 2019 versus 2000?”

  1. What a beautiful picture of these children… I confess that electronics can help a lot depending on the occasion… for example, I have my son who is autistic, he is 9 years old and so these days I had to stop at mcdonalds for a snack before going to his therapy… but he was very agitated… and I know that if I give him the tablet he calms down and I can finish the routine of the day calmly… So everything is very relative.

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