There’s something refreshing and cleansing about spending over 24 hours out in nature with no cell reception or technology. Just you, your friends and family and the great outdoors. It has been over 10 years since I spent a night at the mountains and I have certainly missed it.
This past weekend, I went up with my boyfriend and his family to their family land in Trout Run, Pennsylvania. I have stayed in a mountain house before, but never have I stayed in a tent, until just a few days ago.
When we got there, we set up the tents and started the fire. We had hot dogs, beans and chili for dinner. After dinner, we went on a nature walk to see the river and old campsite. The river banks had a lot of damage, many fallen trees created bridges from bank to bank. I found out this damage was from a brutal rainstorm that dropped 11 inches of rain in under 3 hours!
When we returned, we sat around the fire and talked about old times that they spent on the property. As they were talking, I began to hear sticks snapping a few hundred feet from us.
I said, “Guys, I hear something,” but they returned my concern with “Stop joking with us Alex, there’s nothing there.”
But I knew there was something was there so I persisted, “No, seriously, I hear something.”
Everyone silenced and took out their flashlights to inspect the nearby trees. In the shadow of the lights we all saw it – a bear. The bear was at least 400 pounds and it wanted some food. A few of them went and chased the bear away, but man was that a frightening, yet fascinating sight.

My excitement powered over any amount of fright I may have felt. It was the first time I had ever seen a bear in real life and I was the one to spot it! The feeling of seeing it that close was extraordinary.
Before we went to bed, we spent some time staring at the stars – it’s absolutely beautiful to see because there’s very little light pollution. You never realize how many stars there truly are until you are able to see it for yourself. It’s an incredible spectacle.
This trip deepened my connection and love for the environment. Being completely isolated without cell phones as a distraction really puts the world in perspective and makes you think. It made me recognize how much time I waste scrolling through Instagram or watching Netflix.
From this trip, I want to start living in the moment more and getting out to do things. Maybe not a camping trip 4 hours away, but a hike with friends or family would be a nice start