Eat Good, Feel Good

I know that the title of this blog post sounds just like every caption of any fitness influencer’s Instagram post of their avocado toast. BUT, there is a reason for that; eating clean makes you feel clean. I remember I gave up processed sugar for lent a few years ago, and I have never felt better! I felt lighter, happier, and my volleyball stats significantly improved during that time period. I will admit, it was hard at first – I can almost never turn down an ice cream run or a fresh baked cookie. However, once I fought through the cravings and headaches that lasted about a week, I stopped craving and even thinking about processed sugar! Fun fact: sugar is the only thing that humans are born craving. While I still eat Ben and Jerry’s every so often, I mostly try to satisfy my sugar cravings through fruit smoothies and extra dark chocolate. These last few years of healthy eating have made me feel happier, more focused, and lighter (physically and mentally). Here is a picture of me during my Freshman year of high school compared to now:

My school picture in 2014.

A picture of me at my brother’s wedding two weeks ago!

The weight loss in these pictures is fairly noticeable, but what I notice the most is how much happier and healthier I look now than I did a few years ago. I look less tired and have a real smile on my face, which is, I believe, the most important outcome of healthy eating.

Because it is 2019, there seems to be a new diet every week: Keto, Atkins, Paleo, etc. Although I am a huge believer in the Paleo diet, it is not realistic for everyone. I have tried probably every diet in the book, but what I believe is the universal key for eating healthier is just classic dieting! Sticking to fruits, veggies, meats, and healthy carbs is something that is realistic and does not cut out any essential food groups. Also, counting calories is something that has personally worked tremendously for me. A basic daily caloric intake is around 2,000 calories per day, but of you are trying to lose weight, you can cut it down to 1,800 or, for more extreme weight loss, 1,600 or 1,500 calories per day. This way, if you end up eating chips or a cookie, you can track it in your calorie counter and base the rest of your meals around it. I love the app Lifesum, which allows you to track both the calories you eat and the calories that you burn off in pilates class.

I don’t want this blog to seem like I am saying the key to happiness is losing weight, because that couldn’t be further from my original point. Maintaining a healthy diet goes beyond weight loss and can make you feel so much better, mentally and physically.

Happy munching!



One thought on “Eat Good, Feel Good

  1. I really like this post. It is so true that eating healthy is about more than losing weight. I cut processed sugar for two weeks last year and while it was hard at the end I felt a lot better. Thanks for the ideas about how to eat healthier and feel better! I’ll have to look into that app you suggested.

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