
We see it everywhere nowadays – selfies with face masks all over Instagram promoting #SelfCare. While self-care does go more than skin deep, skincare is something I’ve always had a passion for! I’m not exaggerating when I say that I have been doing face masks since I was about 11 years old. I also have had this life-long dream of being a dermatologist, until I realized that I would have to use needles (one of my biggest fears). Having healthy skin is something that can really boost your confidence, which is why I felt the need to include my favorite products in this blog. I know everyone has different skin, so I’ve chosen several different products that work for everyone’s skin, and everyone’s budget! Click on whatever products you are interested in and you’ll be taken to a website where you can purchase them.

For Sensitive Skin

I am the queen of allergic reactions when it comes to my skin- I’m allergic to fake metal, harsh chemicals, and even certain fragrances. The perfect brand for my sensitive skin is Cetaphil. I have been using them for years and have never had any reactions or breakouts. I recommend the Daily Face Wash and Lotion for daily use! As for a face mask, I would recommend the Lather Honey Moisture Mask. It’s all natural so there are no harsh chemicals or additives that may irritate your skin!

 Image link here.

For Acne Prone Skin

For acne prone skin, you need something that is a little stronger in terms of cleansing strength. I would recommend the Acne Free Acne Kit, which comes with a face wash, a toner, and a lotion. It is comparable to Proactive (I’m sure you’ve seen those commercials), but you can actually buy it at your local CVS or Walgreens! It contains a strong percentage of acne medication, which can help prevent and treat breakouts. A face mask that I love is the Queen Helene Mint Julep Masque! The mint is refreshing and tingly and I notice that my blackheads and pimples shrink the day after I use it!

 Image link here.


For Dry Skin

For dry skin, I would recommend the CeraVe Hydrating Cleanser for a daily face wash. It leaves you feeling clean and refreshed without your skin feeling dried out. As for a lotion, I absolutely love the Clinique 72 Hour Moisture Surge. This gel-like moisturizer has saved my skin this Winter; I put it on twice a day and my skin has never felt softer. Along with that moisturizer, I would also recommend the Clinique Moisture Surge Overnight Mask. Whenever you need that extra boost of hydration, slap this on after you wash your face at night and wake up with soft, supple skin.

 Image link here.


These are all products I have used in my life and I have found effective. You can also Pinterest some DIY masks if you’re looking to be more natural or save some money!

Happy #SelfCaring!



2 thoughts on “#SelfCare

  1. This is a very interesting blog and I appreciate the tips for those looking to improve skin care. I too use Cetaphil products and agree they’re great. Just as a note about your blog, you can remove the “Sample Page” tab at the top by going to the “Pages” tab in your site dashboard and selecting all pages. You’ll see an option to delete the sample page there.

  2. I liked your post a lot. I’ve been wanting to do more of a skincare routine, so maybe this will help me find the right product.
    Your information was very clear to read with your three different areas of face types and the different suggestions of products. Are there more than three you could have included? I did appreciate the links that you provided so I could visit the sites of these specific products instead of trying to find them myself. One thing that could be interesting would be to compare some prices for these specific products.
    Thanks for the advice on products! I want to see what you have to read next week.

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