Image by Nick Rennard via Digital Reach Agency The information that is packed into a single website is astounding, from browsing through CNN to an old MySpace website, within both nests several pages of content. The multi-paged websites have pages that consist of photos, posts, contact information, and more. However, sometimes, a one-page approach results […]
Power in the Grid
Grids are super common. Most of us use the internet and browse through a wide array of content. No matter where we go, many of these well-designed websites likely use a grid of some variation. Typically when we think of grids, we envision boring blocks of squares with columns and rows. A good designer will […]
To Push… or Not to Push?
Do you push or pull the following door? If you said push, you may or may not be correct. If you said pull, you might be absolutely, positively right or wrong. There is only one way to find out which may result in you being the victor of entering portals to buildings or embarrassing yourself […]