Warm and Cold

Temperature and light play important parts in each photograph as they work to set the mood for the photograph and overall allow for the vast diversity in photographs, yet first I must explain the difference between warm and cold photographs. While it may be very simple warm photographs have more reds oranges and yellows, while cold photographs have more blues greens and purples. This can have a great impact on what the photograph helps to portray but usually comes with the season.As Andrew Gibson mentioned, the photograph you take usually is neutral and thus it offers a blank pallet for you to edit. In winter it tends to be predominantly cloudy or snowy depending on the area, so the photographs tend to have more cool colors and thus work to show the temperature. This can however be changed or amplified to help really portray the temperature of the photograph.

This also works in reverse during summer. Really amplifying the reds and yellows helps to show the heat and mood of summer. I feel like we all know those summer pics of people having fun on the beach, and I feel like they are a great example of how the temperature affects the mood of the picture.In my personal opinion I feel like each season has its own color scheme that can be used to portray the feeling of the season. Spring tends to have more greens and blues, summer has the more warm colors, then fall comes in with darker warm colors as the leaves fall and winter comes. As Brent Mail Photography said, it even can be used to change the colors when the photograph you took misconstrued the color.

Rain is also unique in the way it effects our surroundings and in turn affects our photographs. I personally love rain photography as it really helps to exemplify the coziness of the inside. A warm feeling comes when you are inside looking out on a dark and rainy day, and I feel like that is why I love to photograph rainy days. I enjoy taking photographs that can evoke a feeling and that is why I enjoy rainy day photography. Outdoor photographer has a great insight on how to get a natural way to effect the temperature of the photograph. Natural sunlight during the morning or evening as the sun rises and sets is one of the best ways to do so.

Temperature is one of the editing options offered on almost every editing application so the challenge is not figuring out how to change the temperature, but remembering one of the easiest editing options. Overall temperature is very influential in photography and it is always something that should be considered. It is a great way to change the feeling you want your viewers to get from your photograph and overall is definitely an aspect that you want to consider when editing your photographs.

Sunrise Pic

Warm and cold Colored Pencils

One thought on “Warm and Cold

  1. I have never been good at taking picture, so this is fascinating. I did not realize everything that went into a good picture. I know that depending on how I look at a photo, or when I see it I can definitely understand what you’re saying about the temperature. Especially the winter photos! My aunt loves to take pictures, so she is always showing us all of her new shots, and some of my favorite are the ones where you can feel the cold. I think photography is such a unique art form, because you get to show how you feel about someplace, and then display it for others.

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