
These are the courses I have taught  at The Pennsylvania State University since Fall 2008.

Courses taught:

Span 412 Span 412 Translation techniques of oral and written translation from Spanish to English and vice versa, particularly for business, literature, and social work.

Span 410 Advanced Oral Expression and Communication. Emphasis on achieving practical command of spoken Spanish and the comprehension of native speech. The use of journalistic materials is an essential part of this course.

Span 301 Advanced Writing and Stylistics in Spanish for Spanish Speakers. This course will enhance writing proficiency in Spanish of Spanish speaking students by targeting common problems characteristic of Spanish speakers.

Span 300 Advanced Grammar and Composition Through Reading. Development of advanced grammar and composition skills through reading texts by Spanish and Latin American Authors and adapting their techniques for original compositions.

Span 100A Spanish for heritage learners. This course is aimed at students who learned Spanish in an informal non-academic setting. Span100A is a course designed for bilingual students who have personal interest improving their reading, writing, and oral communication in Spanish.

Ltnst 100 Introduction to Latino Studies. This course provides an interdisciplinary introduction to the study of Latin@s in the U.S. We consider questions of identity: what are the different components of Latin@ identity? What are the advantages and disadvantages of naming a cohesive group when it is composed of many different nationalities?

Engl 226-  Border Theory. This course focuses on contemporary Latina@ culture, placing it in its historical and cultural contexts and analyzing it through the frameworks of borders.

Span 497 B- Latin American Identity Problem. Transhistorical analysis of the evolution of the problem of identity expressed by Latin American philosophers.

Span 496 B- Mexican film. Historical and critical review of Mexican Film. Analysis of the aesthetic characteristics of Mexican Film tradition, as well as a complete analysis of its genres and themes.

Span 356- Survey of Spanish American Literature through “Modernismo.Selected major works of prose, poetry, and drama from “modernismo” through “Post-boom.”

Span 297 Spanish in the Digital Age: Culture, Language, and New Technologies
This course provides an opportunity to enhance acquisition of the fundamental elements of the Spanish language. Reading, writing and speaking skills are polished as students build on knowledge of the target culture through research, discussion and projects using the latest technology.

Span 253 W- Introduction to Hispanic Literature.  Introduction to generic distinctions, critical methods, and approaches to Hispanic literature.

Span 200  Intensive grammar review; composition. Designed primarily for majors and prospective majors.

Span 110- Fourth Semester Language (Conversation on cultural topics)

Span 100- Fourth Semester Spanish Language (Intensive grammar, composition and cultural topics)

Cmlit 005 Introduction to Literatures of the Americas, allows you to explore the great variety of literatures of the Americas, including translations of texts written in Spanish, French, Portuguese, and Amerindian languages, as well as texts originally written in English. Readings include many genres and artistic forms dealing with histories and accounts of "American" issues, such as conquest, nationalism, slavery, diaspora, and immigration.

Span 003 The purpose of this course is to develop and improve communication skills when listening, reading, speaking, and writing in Spanish. The course follow a communicative information-based task approach, which springs from the idea that languages are best learned when real world information becomes the focus of students’ activities. Therefore, during the semester, you will exchange real-life information about yourself and your classmates.

Span 001 and 002 World Campus Penn State University. Spanish online at Penn Stat is for students who are native speakers of a language other than Spanish. The purpose of this course is to develop and improve communication skills in Spanish while listening, reading, speaking, and writing in the target language. The course follows a communicative information-based task approach, which comes from the idea that languages are best learned when real world information becomes the focus of students’ activities. Therefore, during the semester, you will exchange real-life information about yourself with your classmates.