RCL8: Logos Bumper Sticker

bumper sticker rcl


This bumper sticker clearly has to do with the extreme environmental issues of today. The logos appeal is being used here because it is logical to think that once we destroy this earth, there won’t be another planet that we could easily inhabit. Although, many people act as if we can afford to damage the earth as much as we want, as long as it doesn’t affect our lifetime. It refers to the common saying of having a “Plan B” for a situation that might not work out in the end. However, for years and years experts have been warning us about the damaging effects our lives and habits have on this earth and if we aren’t careful about protecting our home, there won’t be an earth much longer. What will happen to our children? What will happen to our children’s children? Those are the questions this bumper sticker is indirectly imposing. If there’s no Planet B, then what will happen to civilization itself?

3 thoughts on “RCL8: Logos Bumper Sticker

  1. This bumper sticker is really cool, because it’s creative in telling people to care about the environment. And honestly, I come from a place where it’s natural to be a tree-hugger and care for the environment, so I completely agree with this bumper sticker.

  2. I agree with you, I think that this is an extremely effective bumper sticker. It’s short and to the point, and really makes a lasting impression on whoever reads it. I really like it and it was a great one to pick to analyze for this blog post!

  3. I really like this bumper sticker and I think the simplicity of it is what makes it so effective. The play on words with the common phrase “Plan B” to “Planet B” was clever too. And even though its only a couple words I think it is very forceful and direct in its message which is good.

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