Legal Prescription was launched in June, 2019 by the Addiction Legal Resource Team at Penn State’s Dickinson Law to provide a home for blogs, news, and scholarship in the fields of addiction, law, and medicine. With the constant growth in this space, this site aims to promote, inspire, and compile a discussion of issues in this important area, as well as facilitate conversation between doctors and lawyers, scholars and policymakers, and experts and lay persons.

We welcome submissions from all members of the Penn State community and are happy to work with others who want to contribute to the discussion. If you are interested in contributing, please reach out:



Legal Prescription does not provide legal advice, nor are its work or opinions intended to be a substitute for legal advice and counsel. All of the legal resources and blogs posted to this site are for informational purposes only. While efforts are made to update and keep the information on this site accurate and reliable, no guarantees are made to their accuracy. The views represented in written works published on this site are their own and do not reflect the views of Pennsylvania State University or Penn State’s Dickinson Law.