“The Book of Boba Fett” Series Review and Analysis

“The Book of Boba Fett” Series review and analysis

The following analyzes of the episodes of “the Book of Boba Fett” and it contain spoilers for the series 

“The Book of Boba Fett” is series that premiere in December of 2021. It is directed by Jon Faveru and produced by LucasFilm and John Bartnicki. The series stars Temuera Morrison who previously played the role of Jango Fett (his father) and the clones of Jango Fett in the Grand Army of the Republic for the prequel trilogy of Star Wars. The series also features actress Ming-Na Wen as Fennec Shand from the fan favored series “the Mandalorian.” 


Episode One titled “Chapter 1: Stranger in a Strange land” 

The first episode of the series “The Book of Boba Fett” begins with a flashback of Boba Fett trapped the Sarlacc pit. He manages to rekindle some of his strength to burn the creature and escape. After his escape night arrives, and some Jawas steal his iconic green and yellow Armour. Then being left for dead in the harsh sandstorms on Tatooine. Boba Fett is later “rescued” by a group of Tusken Raiders, however they use Boba for slave labor to find pockets of water contained in black pods deep in the sand. He attempts to escape the captivity of the Tusken’s by running on foot. Unfortunately, they were able to catch up with him and harshly beat him. He attempts to hold his own, but he is outnumbered and in a weakened state. His loss was inevitable. We jump to the present to realize Boba Fett is sleeping in a bacca tank attempting to heal from his wounds of the sarlacc pit. We now see that Boba Fett is now in charge of Tatooine, taking over control of Jabba the Huts great empire because he is deceased. Boba Fett is now securing his place as the ruler of Tatooine and collecting tributes from local business. He faces some adversity from the mayor of a town in Mos Espa while building his new empire.  

The cinematography of the show is quite stunning. The camera allows you to witness the vast landscape of Tatooine’s great desert, and experience how big desert there is. The show is extremely visually pleasing and beautiful. In the first act of the episode, we are shown a scene of Boba Fett after awakening from the bacta tank. He begins the suit up in his armor. Even though Tatooine is mostly a tan-Ish brownish color. The visuals allow Boba Fett dull green and yellow to stand out and pop when it is on screen. 

How does the show contribute to the Star Wars universe? It allows you to gain a new perspective on the lifestyle of the average citizen in Tatooine. I will even experience new structural designs for Tatooine. It also provides some much-needed backstory and historical context for the Tusken raiders by showing their living conditions before they were believed to be just mindless savages. That is why after watching the first episode of the series I recommend the show to watch. 

How Fennec Shand Subverts An Irritating Sci-Fi Trope In The Book Of Boba Fett

“Fennec Shand holding rifle” from episode two 


Episode Two titled “Chapter 2: Tribes of Tatooine”  

Boba Fett asserts his dominance as the new daimyo of Mos Espa, as there was a recent attempt to kill him from the mayor. Tensions build as two of the cousins of Jabba the Hutt attempt to lay claim to the land that Boba Fett currently owns because of Jabba’s death. Jabba’s cousins bring out one of their most fierce bounty hunters to intimate him. They bring out Black Krrsantan( his a Wookie like Chewbacca except all black and carries massive firepower). We later enter a flashback to Boba Fett’s time with the Tusken raiders after gaining their respect. He discovers that a local gang is disturbing them and killing their members. Boba then collects some speeder bikes and teaches the Tuskens how to ride them. After the Tuskens learn how to ride the bike he helps them coordinate an attack to neutralize them. We discover the gang shooting them from the train are a part of the pike’s syndicate, they are involved in a massive drug traded of “spice” in the Star Wars universe.  

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“Boba Fett asserting his dominance” from Episode Three 

Episode Three titled “Chapter 3 Streets of Mos Espa” 

After receiving a complaint from a citizen that a group of teens with mobs (cybernetic modifications) are disturbing the flow of his business. Boba Fett investigates the complaint and discovers that the man was charging out ridiculous prices for fresh water. Noticing that they are short of work, he invites them to work for him. Later that night Boba Fett rests in his bacta tank his attacked by Black Krrsantan. He attempts to gather his barging as he is getting abused, his new soldiers the mods step come to his aid and protect their new boss. His gommerran guards intervened as well but one of them was injured. Krrsantan is later locked up in an empty rancor tank. The next morning, the Hutt Twins apologized for their assassination attempt at life, and they gifted him with a young rancor as a pet. Boba visits the mayor’s office to end the tension and assert his dominance, however the mayor leaves town. The mayor’s secretary attempts to run away but Boba Fett uses his jet-pack to apprehend them and later interrogates him for information. Boba discovers that the mayor is working with Pike’s Syndicate to lay claim to Mos Espa for their drug trade and overthrow him for control.  

The Star Wars universe building:  

These two entries do not contribute to anything major to expand the star war universe except introducing the Pike’s Syndicate in live action and exploring how some of the people who are “Mods” can willingly want to replace their biological limbs with cybernetic limbs and parts. 

hail saltine

“Black Krsanstan” first appearance in Episode Four

Episode Four “”Chapter 4: The Gathering Storm”  

The episode begins with a flashback of Boba Fett helping Fennec Shand from an injury she suffered in season two of “the Mandalorian.” Boba Fett helps to heal her injury. They both have a mutual respect because of their current profession as bounty hunters, we then receive some insight into why Fett would want to be a crime lord instead. He believes that he should not work for people who do not value his life. To repay her debt to Boba Fett she assists him reclaim him ship the “Slave 1”. Though Shand has repaid her debt she decides to help Fett on his new conquest. We flash forward to the present. Boba Fett prepares for war as tension with the Pike syndicate he meets the leaders of some of the local crime families. He tells them to remain neutral in the conflict since they do not want to risk the bloodshed. With Fett low on options to help him fight this battle he begins to look for the assistance of others by paying them for their services. 

The Book Of Boba Fett Slave1 GIF - The Book Of Boba Fett Slave1 Firespray - Discover & Share GIFs

“Boba Fett after reclaiming his ship” from episode four  

Episode Five “”Chapter 5: Return of the Mandalorian 

We see the return of Din Djarin from “the Mandalorian” from the end of season two as he continues bounty hunting. This episode does not even feature the title character of Boba Fett, it is completely focused on the adventures of Din Djarin. After the events of “the Mandalorian” Din Djarin the ruler of the Mandalorian people. He trains to wield the Darksaber (the blade signifies the ruler of the Mandalorian people from winning it in combat). Though he struggles in wielding it, he begins to have a better understanding of how to use the blade. After defeating a challenger who attempts to take the Darksaber from him, Din Djarin is exiled from his clan, because he disobeyed their rule and showed his face to others. Now on a new adventure, he attempts to find a new ship after his old one was destroyed. He heads to Tatooine he spent an ample amount of time making repairs, modifications, and improvements to an N-1 fighter (the starfighter from the planet of Naboo). After the modifications are complete, he is offered money in exchange for his services from Fennec Shand, Boba Fett’s main enforcer. He agrees to lend his services, but he declines the money. 

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“The Mandalorian aka Din Djarin holding the Darksaber” 

Episode Six titled “Chapter 6: From the Desert Comes a Stranger”  

This episode we are introduced to the return of Cobb Vanth from “The Mandalorian” as he has an encounter with Pike syndicate and their drug trade through his town as the Marshall of Freetown. We return to Din Djarin to attempt to give his adopted son, Grogu a gift. However, the Jedi do not let Din see Grogu. Din views him as a Mandalorian, but the Jedi see him as one of their own. The ways of the Jedi and the Mandalorian differ greater, between Jedi Ahsoka Tano and Din Djarin( The Mandalorian). Din leaves the planet unable to see Grogu. He continues with his contract by assisting Boba Fett to find more troops to aid him in his fight against the Pike syndicate. Din Djarin asks for Marshall Cobb Vanth of Freetown to aid Boba Fett against the Pike syndicate. As Marshall begins to assemble those who are of fighting age, he is greeted by a mysterious stranger. Though his name is never mentioned in this episode, his name is Cab bane. He is one of the galaxy’s most dangerous bounty hunters. During the encounter Cobb Vanth is shot and knocked unconscious and Cad Bane threatens the people of Freetown to allow the spice to continue. At the end of the episode Luke Skywalker who is currently presents Grogu with a choice between a lightsaber and Beskar armor, if he chooses the lightsaber, he will continue his jedi training but if he takes the armor, he will return to the Mandalorian.  

Star Wars The Book Of Boba Fett GIF - Star Wars The Book Of Boba Fett Cad Bane - Discover & Share GIFs

Cad Bane from Episode Six 

Episode 7 the series finale titled “Chapter 7: In the Name of Honor”  

This episode is the season finale. We begin with Boba, Fennec and Din Djarin examining an explosion from a club in Mos Espa that was blown up by the Pike syndicate. Boba Fett orders his men to parole the streets of Mos Espa. However, they are ambushed by the members of the local gangs, who are splitting profits with the Pike syndicate and are betraying Boba Fett. They all rendezvous back to the ruins of the club and fortify it as their new base of operations. As some of Boba Fett’s men become outnumbered. Din Djarin and Boba Fett flies out of their base and shoots as many pikes as possible. They become overwhelmed by the Pikes, and the people of Freetown come to their aid. The achieve a minor until the Pike’s reinforcements (a pair of droids with force field) arrive on the battlefield. After the it attempts to break the droids’ force field come to no avail, and Boba’s Forces have split up to avoid them. Boba charges into battle riding on his pet rancor. While Boba is fighting one of the droids, Din takes advantage of its weakness and neutralizes it. The second droid is later ripped apart by the rancor. Cad bane arrives Boba and his rancor destroys the remains of the pike’s reinforcements. Cad Bane frightens the rancor causing it to run away. Bane and Fett engage in a face off in the streets of Mos Espa. Boba at first begins to lose the battle first but then things begin to turn in his favor, and he kills Cad bane. When the rancor is enraged on a rampage. The show end is calm and peaceful. We see people enjoying life and their daily business, while Boba Fett and Fennec shade walk through the streets. We end with Din Djarin filing off with Grogu in his new starfighter through the stars. 

The Book of Boba Fett Cargo Hold: “Chapter 7: In the Name of Honor” | StarWars.com

“Boba Fett and Din Djarin in the ultimate battle” from episode seven 

Last thoughts: 

The show was incredibly fun and entertaining. As a Star Wars fan, I am glad that the show exists, and it allow everyone to see fan favorites such as Black Krrsantan and Cad Bane appear in live action. However, I had a few problems with the show from a narrative standpoint. The story seems to jump from place to place because of the flashbacks. Boba Fett is sidelined in his own show for two episodes, and we focus on the story of “The Mandalorian” from after the events of season two. Disney slightly did a disservice for Boba Fett. For example, Boba Fett goes from the most feared bounty hunter in the galaxy during the Empire. However, he now wants to be an honor man and bring peace to the town of Mos Espa. Although he was a bounty hunter who had some code of honor, he was never a hero. He is like an anti-hero or a man with a questionable moral code. The writing team portrayed in a similar light as Luke Skywalker or Obi wan Kenobi when they are vastly different morally. I also thought that the last battle of the season finally was very messy and unorganized. I do not understand why Boba Fett sent away Fennec Shand on mission to kill the leaders of the Pike’s syndicate and the other crime families that aided them. Since she is a sniper, she would have been more effective in a watch tower like the one that was shown to us when the rancor was on a rampage. If Boba were looking for reinforcements and gained some tactical advantage over the pikes, then he would have used his ship to maintain ariel superiority over them. Instead, he summons his rancor in battle against needless risk the life of his pet. Overall, I had minor criticisms of the structure of the last battle.  

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