New Clubs on Campus: Outdoor Adventure Club

By Rivka Wolin Staff Writer

During the Fall semester of 2021 a few students became inspired to create new organizations and clubs to share their unique interests. In the Spring they began working to bring these organizations and clubs to life. One of these clubs is the Outdoor Adventure Club or the OAC.

The Outdoor Adventure Club’s Mission according to the Club’s President Matthew Langland is to get “students involved outside and appreciate the beauty of nature; all while having fun and meeting new people.” This semester the OAC hopes to host numerous hikes at local state parks throughout the year. As well as frequent trips to local indoor climbing gyms and paintball arenas. They are looking to raise enough money to go white water rafting at Ohio Pyle during the upcoming Spring semester.

The Outdoor Adventure Club is currently looking for any student looking for an Adventure! According to Langland, the Outdoor Adventure club “is a safe space for everyone. There is something here for everybody, from experienced backpackers to those who just want to get off campus for a bit, Outdoor Adventure Club is the way to go!” The first meeting of the semester will be on Thursday September 1st during common hour 12pm-1pm in Adler 208.

The Outdoor Adventure Club’s officers are advised by Professor Brad Ross, one of the Biology Instructors here at Penn State Altoona. For any questions about club actives or just meet someone before heading to a meeting you can contact any of the OAC officers.

(Below)President: Matthew Langland:



(Above) Vice President: Ethan Andrews:



(Below) Treasurer: Gavin Fitcher:









(Above)Secretary: Tommy Zukowski:



In you are interested in getting involved you can follow the Outdoor Adventure Club on Instagram at PSUA_OAC and join the Connect by searching Outdoor Adventure Club or OAC.

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