Love in the Air

Photo submitted by Mikayla Rodland
Mikayla and her boyfriend in front of the United States Capitol building.

By Conor Walters 

Staff Writer 

With Valentine’s Day arriving, love is a topic on a lot of minds. A day mainly for people in relationships to do something special and celebrate, while single people don’t have to worry about doing anything, however it can often be a sad reminder that they have nothing to do.

Often times people want to create a perfect date for the Valentines occasion, but everyone has their own idea of what perfect is.

“My idea of a perfect date would be watching a movie and getting food in the dorm,” said Katelyn Lacey.

On the other hand, Ella Day said “being surprised with roses and stargazing.”

Unfortunately, even those in relationships aren’t always able to celebrate with their significant other like they want. Going to college and deciding to do a long distance relationship with the person you’re dating is a big commitment to make. Often times, long-distance requires more communication, but less attention to each other due to the fact that both parties have to focus what is happening directly around them first.

“The most difficult thing is learning to communicate effectively over the phone when we go a few weeks/months without seeing one another, especially when we are both busy going to and from school, doing schoolwork and going to work. We have created a system where we both take turns traveling to one another. For example, he will be making the drive to Altoona for the weekend, and then in a few weeks I will make the drive to his house,” said Mikayla Rodland, who’s been in a relationship for four months.

On the other hand, people are always asking for relationship advice. Those who are single are constantly asking their friends what to text back, what they should wear on the first date, ect. While people in relationships are looking for advice on what to do next, how to make it past an obstacle they’re having with their s/o, or even how to bring back the spark they used to have at the beginning of the relationship.

When talking about long-distance, Madelyne Keenan, who’s been in a relationship for seven months, said “advice I can give is please communicate about uncomfortable topics. Communicate boundaries and figure out a way that works for you as a distance couple. Know it will be very challenging and painful, but embrace it! It’s with it for love always.”

Relationships always have ups and downs. Sacrifices are needed to be made. There are often arguments, sometimes about where to get food, or about how one person doesn’t feel appreciated enough. However part of a relationship is being there for each other and growing as people together.

Dawson Miller, who’s been in a relationship for almost five months, said “The benefits [of a relationship] would be having someone who will always be on your side, someone who cares and loves you when other people might not, and getting to set long term and short term goals with them as well.”

Overall relationships are a difficult confusing mess. People like to think that they’re a straight line, but in reality they’re more like the longest rollercoaster ride with as many  loops you can think of. However, if you’re willing to put in the work, the ending payout will leave you with a partner for a lifetime.

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