The Home Stretch

By Noah Manns

Well, it looks like it’s that time of year again, when tension runs high and motivation runs low for students, as we approach Thanksgiving break and the last 20 percent of the semester. Every year around this time, when Thanksgiving break and the end of the semester are closing in on us, many students like myself, have trouble staying focused and keeping up the motivation to do any more assignments, or study for any more exams. All we want to do is just go home and forget about anything school-related until after the new year.

 Sadly, however, as much as we would all like to just drop everything and quit for the semester, we can’t. We have to finish strong and end the semester on a good note. However, I know that is not as easy as it sounds. The last few weeks of any semester always yield lots of distractions, especially this semester because of the election happening, everybody moving out before Thanksgiving due to COVID, and all the last-minute exams and assignments that need to get done.

With all of these moving parts, it is no wonder that a bunch of my friends and many other students are overwhelmed and stressed to the max during this time of the semester. As a result, I have discovered some healthy activities to help combat this stressful time of year. 

For example, some of these activities include, watching some feel-good holiday movies on Netflix such as Elf, spending time with friends, and attending some of the fun events that the Center for Civic and Student Engagement have planned. With the pandemic, unfortunately, some of these things might occur via Zoom, but online activities are better than doing nothing at all. 

I find that by doing some of these things, my stress levels decrease. Being involved with others and relaxing a bit, despite the pandemic, will allow you to really decompress and take your mind off your school stressors. In addition, if everybody would take the time to take a break from all their last-minute studying and cramming, then they might be pleasantly surprised to see that they will end up doing better overall on their final exams and projects.

How do I know that you may ask? Well the answer to that question, is that I have first- hand experience with pushing myself to the max trying to do last minute studying for final exams without taking time to decompress and engage in stress-releasing activities.

For years, I thought the only way I could do well on exams was to do non-stop studying without taking any time to clear my head and decompress. However, over the last few semesters, I have started to tell myself that is okay to take a few breaks and engage in other activities besides studying. As a result, my overall final exam grades have improved, and I find myself being less stressed than what happened when I was just non-stop studying.

Lastly, as almost all of us can agree on, the best feeling is when you take that last final or submit that final assignment because it feels like the weight of the world has been lifted off your shoulders and you can finally stop studying and stressing and just enjoy the holiday season with your family.

I know that feeling seems far away right now, but just remember it is closer than what you think. Just hang in there. Be smart about your time management, work hard, and finish strong. We are in the home stretch.

Editor’s Note: Noah Manns is a sophomore marketing major from Ruffs Dale, Pa. 

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