Collegiate Review Cook Book: Flavors of Fall

Fall has a ton of food-based traditions, both old and new. The Collegiate Review staff wanted to share a bit of our traditions in the form of the sides and desserts we enjoy.



Air Fryer Carrots

My name is Madison Eisaman and my dish is Air Fryer Carrots. I learned to make this recipe while my mom was recovering from surgery. It was one of the easiest dishes for me to learn, so that I could cook healthy for my family. We served this with scalloped potatoes and roasted chicken.

Air Fryer Carrots


Bag of Baby carrots

Olive oil or Butter

Salt, Pepper, and Italian Seasoning

Grated Parmesan Cheese





  1. Take a bag of baby carrots and coat them with melted butter or olive oil and salt, pepper, and Italian seasoning.
  2. Next add carrots to air fryer basket and cook at 360 degrees. Cook for 10 minutes for soft texture; cook for 15-18 minutes for a crispy texture.
  3. Take them out and sprinkle with grated Parmesan cheese and dried parsley.
  4. Serve warm!



My name is Destiny Montgomery and I wanted to share this stuffing recipe. This is my #1 favorite type of stuffing. I started eating it once my stepmom started to make it for the family. I am actually a very picky person, so I usually don’t like a lot of the vegetables that are normally put in stuffing. For that, I really appreciate her making a type of stuffing that I really enjoy eating during the holidays.



2 loafs of bread

3 sticks of butter (1.5 per loaf).

½ onion


Celery salt

Chicken base







  1. In a pot, melt three sticks of butter.
  2. Put a half of an onion in a food processor nearly pureeing it.
  3. Add cilantro, celery salt and small amount of chicken base.
  4. Tear bread into desired form, then mix in the melted mixture.
  5. Put it on a cooking sheet and bake on 350 for 30-45 minutes.


Mashed Potatoes 

My name is Jayla Nartatez and for the past few years I have been making homemade mashed potatoes for Thanksgiving. Before my grandmother passed away, my favorite thing she made at Thanksgiving was mashed potatoes and now that she is no longer with us, I have taken on the responsibility to make mashed potatoes. Making the mashed potatoes at Thanksgiving allows me to feel close to my grandmother and is a way to remember her, especially during the holiday season when my entire family is together.  


6 Russet Potatoes (or however many you want) 

1 cup 2% Milk (more or less depending on how thick or smooth you want them) 

2 tablespoon Butter 

1 teaspoon Salt

1 teaspoon Pepper 

1 tablespoon parsley 

Mash Potatoes




  1. Peel each of the potatoes until most of the skin is taken off and cut the potatoes into smaller pieces.
  2. Boil water in large pot on the stove and put potatoes in the pot once the water has finished boiling.
  3. When potatoes have finished cooking, drain the water, and put them into a large mixing bowl to add all the ingredients.
  4. Take a potato masher and start mashing the potatoes until they are the consistency you like.
  5. Then add 1 cup of milk and 2 tbsp butter to the potatoes and continue mashing it all together.  
  6. Once the consistency is right, add salt, pepper, and parsley to your liking.
  7. Enjoy the delicious, mashed potatoes with the rest of your meal!



Grilled Cheese

My name is Eve Ergler and my recipe is grilled cheese. I enjoy having a grilled cheese especially during the holidays when my grandma makes it for me. It is something I am looking forward to having over break because nothing tastes better than my grandma’s cooking!  I feel grilled cheese is a great food for the colder months with how warm it is and how well it pairs with a bowl of hot tomato soup .

Grilled Cheese


2 slices of bread 

2 pieces of American cheese (change because of preference)

½ teaspoon butter


  1. Put butter on the side of each piece of bread that will be cooked
  2. Put cheese on the side that isn’t buttered
  3. Cook on stove and flip each side over till golden brown
  4. Enjoy!



Apple Pie and Ice cream

My name is Rivka Wolin and my is tradition enjoying Apple Pie and Ice cream with my family. My mom is from Ireland and there is a big culture of drinking tea. After almost every meal my mom will ask if we all want some tea and a sweet of some sort. On Thanksgiving that sweet is Apple pie and Ice cream, the warm pie and the cold ice cream are a perfect pairing. Adding a cup of tea takes this dessert to the next level.




1 Puff pastry

4 tart Granny Smith or Criterion apples (Peeled, cored and thinly sliced)

3 tablespoons Granulated sugar

1 Tablespoon All-purpose flour

Grated Brind of 1 lemon

¼ teaspoon grated Nutmeg

2 tablespoons cold unsalted butter (cut into small pieces)

Glaze – 1 egg beaten with 2 teaspoons of water and granulated sugar


  1. Roll out puff pastry to a thickness of more than 1/8 inch. Place in a pie dish, cut round the edge and prepare the top. Cut a cover that is large enough to over the top of the pie dish. With any remaining dough you can leaves to make a decoration. Place in a refrigerator for 30 minutes
  2. Combine apples, sugar, flour, lemon rind and nutmeg in a large mixing bowl and stir well.
  3. Preheat oven to 400ºF
  4. Fill pie with filling and sprinkle in butter
  5. Place the lid on the pie crust and apply leaves using water as glue
  6. Brush with glaze and bake for 50 to 60 minutes or until puffed and golden brown
  7. Set aside to cool
  8. Serve best enjoyed with vanilla ice cream and hot tea!

Pumpkin Pie Dip

Pumpkin dip

My name is Alli Schroeder and I picked pumpkin dip as my tradition. My mom makes it every year and it’s always a hit!  I basically fill up on it every Thanksgiving because I don’t eat turkey. It’s super easy to make and also cheap which is great on a college student’s budget.


1 can pumpkin purée

1 box French vanilla instant pudding

¼ cup brown sugar 

1 teaspoon cinnamon 

½ teaspoons ginger 

Dash nutmeg and cloves 

1 tub of cool whip 


  1. Mix ingredients together
  2. Chill overnight
  3. Serve with graham crackers



Corn Bread

My name is Carmen Dyer-Glaser and my recipe is corn bread. In all honesty, cornbread has never been a favorite of mine. Although this is the case, I still choose this recipe because it has always managed to make my brother smile. It’s one of their favorite Thanksgiving foods. I remember when we were younger, we would sit down at the dinner table and sometimes there would be a covered basket sitting right in front of them. As soon as we were allowed to start serving ourselves, my brother would pick up and uncover the basket and stare at the glory of warm cornbread. It always made them happy. I hope this recipe can bring some joy to the dinner table this Thanksgiving!

Corn Bread


¼ cup butter (1/2 stick)

1 cup milk

1 large egg

1 ¼ cups yellow cornmeal

1 cup All-purpose flour

½ cup granulated sugar

1 tablespoon baking powder

½ teaspoon salt



  1. Grease a 9-inch round pan. Preheat the oven to 400ºF
  2. In a medium mixing bowl, add flour cornmeal, sugar, salt, and baking powder. Whisk to combine well.
  3. Make a well in the center of your dry ingredients and add your butter, milk and egg. Stir until jut combined with few lumps.
  4. Pour batter into the prepared pan and bake from 20-25 minutes until top is a deep golden brown and a toothpick comes out clean from the center.
  5. Serve hot and enjoy!


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