Apr 30, 2022 | Entertainment, Opinion
Marvel’s Moonknight is a television series on Disney plus that premiered in 2022, it follows the adventures of Marc Spector a mercenary who servers an ancient Egyptian god known as Khonshsu. However, Marc also deals with dissociative identity disorder and his multiple...
Apr 29, 2022 | Entertainment, Opinion
Staff Writer: Eve Ergler SPOLIER WARNING: CONTAINS SPOILERS FOR SEASONS 3 & 4 Floch Forster is one of the most hated characters, alongside Gabi Braun, in Attack on Titan, and continues to anger fans as part 2 of season 4 comes to a close. Even though he is loathed...
Apr 27, 2022 | Entertainment, Opinion
Top Five “Doctor Strange Multiverse of Madness” Theories “Doctor Strange multiverse of madness” is a sequel to the first “Doctor strange” movie premiered in November 2016 it is also one of the most anticipated movies for the summer. There were plenty of interesting...