Tag Archives: Penn State Altoona

Review: Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky

As spring approaches and the more-than-welcome sun comes out, there’s a sense of joy, and hope in the air. People are rejuvenated, and ready to take on life with a newfound vigor. This was the exact feeling I got after I finished reading ‘Perks of Being a Wallflower’ by Stephen Chbosky. A beautiful coming-of-age story, … Continue reading Review: Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky

Athletic teams announce 2021 schedules

Yesterday, February 24th, 2021, the Penn State Altoona athletics department announced the 2021 season schedules for 4 athletic teams and programs.  The 4 teams and programs who now have 2021 schedules for this upcoming athletic season include Men’s Volleyball, Golf Program, Men’s Tennis, and Women’s Tennis.  Spectators will not be permitted for indoor sporting events … Continue reading Athletic teams announce 2021 schedules

McClellan experiences long distance relationship in college

People never expect to be in a long distance relationship at any point in their life. Long distance relationships are hard in general but adding in the factor of college it may get a little harder.  According to an article made by the “nypost.com” “long distance relationships have a 58% success rate, according to new … Continue reading McClellan experiences long distance relationship in college

Review: The Social Dilemma

We can’t imagine our lives without social media today. We’re using it constantly to talk to our loved ones, to be updated with people’s lives and to just stay connected at a better level. However, the documentary ‘The Social Dilemma’ totally changed my view on social media and how it has transformed into a tool … Continue reading Review: The Social Dilemma

Welcome to Nittany Lions Sports World

Have a passion for all things sports, Nittany Lions Sports World is the place to be. Nittany Lions Sports World is the place for students, faculty, and other various audiences to keep up with the ongoing sports’ world within the Penn State communities and the United States.  Highlights, in-depth features, game updates, and reports for the … Continue reading Welcome to Nittany Lions Sports World

Review: 1984 by George Orwell

A mind-boggling dystopia, 1984 by George Orwell reminds, very chillingly, of the current political atmosphere and ideologies. The only question I had after finishing the novel was – Why hadn’t I read it before? The amount of thought, the different perspectives and ideologies described in the novel are harrowing and thought-provoking. It makes one reflect … Continue reading Review: 1984 by George Orwell

Penn State Altoona invites the public to a virtual fall Student Showcase

Penn State Altoona, supported by the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs, is pleased to offer this semester’s Student Showcase virtually through Zoom. On Friday, Dec. 11, the campus community and general public will be able to see firsthand how Penn State Altoona students are using knowledge from the classroom to enhance many organizations’ operations, … Continue reading Penn State Altoona invites the public to a virtual fall Student Showcase

The Zoom Experience vs. The College Experience

By Noah Manns Last year at this time, if you would have told me that the next three semesters of my college career would be conducted through Zoom, I would have responded with, “What the heck is Zoom?” Little did I know that this platform would completely transform my entire college experience as I know … Continue reading The Zoom Experience vs. The College Experience

The Collegiate Review’s Halloween Special

By Sam Homan   For centuries, people have claimed to have had encounters with visitors from the dead, mainly referred to as ghosts or spirits. Whether they’re real or just imaginary, it seems most people have a ghost story of their own to share. With Halloween on the horizon, the Collegiate Review has been researching … Continue reading The Collegiate Review’s Halloween Special