Dream #13: The Tremulous Darkness

Hello dreamers! Well, it certainly has been a speedy week, hasn’t it? Let’s slow it down for for this post and get caught in the tremulous darkness, shall we? This week we’ll be examining one of my own dreams.

Onto the dream!

The Tremulous Darkness

I sit, naked, in a white room. It is warm– the slightly sticky kind of warm, warm enough that the skin of my armpits sticks to the skin of my sides. The room is infinite, extending as far outward as I can see. Everything is white. I am alone.

I shift to my knees and look upward to the white “ceiling,” which is really just an endless plane of lightness. On the white paneling, there is a wisp of black, contorting and undulating. I whisper something. I don’t remember what. The wisp moves closer to me. It starts growing. I feel peaceful as it grows larger and larger, beginning to encase me in darkness. It shrouds me like a cloak, but it feels like a friend. It is cooling and soothing on my skin, a welcome substance.

The shroud starts to shrink. I embrace myself to try to catch it, hold it to me, but it escapes, quivering as it disappears out of existence. I am left alone, without the darkness. I look at the white walls. I grow hot, itchy. I realize something about the room.

It is an incubator. That’s when I wake up.

The Analysis

In this dream, I became friends with the darkness, and was threatened by my searing white hot surroundings.

The darkness is a kind entity, and takes two distinct forms in the dream. The first is a wisp, a delicate shape that lends itself to disappearing, which is what the darkness eventually does. The other form is a shroud or cloak that I wear over my naked body. This seems to offer some kind of physical but also psychic protection. It comforts and soothes, cooling me down in the hot room.

The cloak functions as an emblem for the Grim Reaper. interestingly, I am the one wearing the cloak, so I am the Grim Reaper in this context. I believe this symbol has to do with recent anxiety about my own mortality. I am petrified of there being an end to my consciousness, so my subconscious created a scenario where I could dictate my own end and beginning.

Speaking of beginnings, there is the emblem of the incubator. The white room where I am “incubating” makes me uncomfortable and itchy, generating negative feelings and angst. Conversely, the darkness (my ability to control death) gives me comfort. The incubator could represent the oppressiveness of my mortality– the incubation of time. However, I think there’s more to it than that.

I believe the incubator is heaven. In the dream, I am in my mortal body. When the darkness comes, I am the Grim Reaper– I become immortal, godlike, and I have control over death. When I am unshrouded (unprotected by the darkness) in the incubator (heaven) I am in heaven in my mortal body. This means I am experiencing heaven as a mortal, in a way no mortal was ever supposed to. Naturally, I feel uncomfortable, afraid, and oppressed in this state. It isn’t until the darkness comes that I feel comfortable in heaven. In other words, it isn’t until I have control over death that I feel comfortable in heaven.

In sum, the darkness allows me to be the Grim Reaper, the incubator is heaven, and only when I am shrouded as the Grim Reaper do I feel safe in heaven. Stay loose and dream lucid!

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