Government Held Responsible for Orange County Oil Spill

Article Title: Environmental group in LA sues federal government over pipeline spill

Orange County Oil Spill 2021


 Spectrum News One on Orange County Oil Spill

Following through with preconceived plans, the Center for Biological Diversity environment group proceeded with suing the US government earlier this month due to a pipeline oil spill this past October. Enraged members of the group argued that this incident should have never happened, leaving the marine life animals as well as the environment to take the consequences, therefore leaving the government to be held responsible for their actions (or lack thereof).

In relation to public relations, this news story displays the crisis of the oil spill, but also how the Center for Biological Diversity environmental group participated in a call to action. For example, the group saw a problem, got together, and took action to try to hold someone accountable for the disaster. From doing this, the news stations picked up this story which got their group some publicity. In PR, we think of this as earned media, due to the fact that the group wasn’t paying or exchanging anything to get the news to cover this story. In the future, the group will most likely benefit from this earned media because it could spark the interest for potential new group members or even people wanting to donate to their cause.

Desired audiences for this story could include those same potential group members or donors as stated above, or even just environmental/animal activists as a whole. Other audiences might include people who work for the government-perhaps their outlook on their job would change due to this article.

Positivity is a theme in this article due to the fact that the environmental group is following through with trying to make the oil spill crisis something that can be fixed, holding the government accountable. The people who viewed the oil spill to be a bad thing would likely agree that this story was a positive one. Perhaps the only people who would view this story as negative would be those who don’t care too much about the environment, or government officials who got punished for the lack of responsibility concerning the environment.

Overall, this action of civic duty performed by the Center for Biological Diversity environment group demonstrates a driven brand-one in which stands up for what they believe in. Doing something and actually following through with such plans looks good for this group, especially because they want as many as people as possible to share the same environmental views and values as them in order for optimal success. Moving forward, they could hold a new member event at a local beach to encourage those who were inspired by their actions to join the group.