As I said in my last blog this past week was big/little week and it was honestly such a fun week!
On Tuesdays the Deltas (initiated members) got their little assignments (being me and the other alphas), however, we didn’t know who our bigs were.
Last week I talked about the Instagram pages they made us and with that they asked us questions and gave us hints about who they were. So they teased us all week about it. I would add in screenshots of what it looked like, but it wasn’t always the most school appropriate…
Thursday, all of the bigs bought their littles food, but we didn’t know this was coming.
I got back to my dorm after my last class of the day and saw chocolate covered pretzels and an iced latte waiting for me. I was literally so happy when I saw that. She also left a cute little note with it, and with that, I thought I knew who my big was.
The next night, all of us were instructed to go to the sorority floor to pick up a surprise. When I got there, there were like 50 baskets in a room and I had to find the one with my name on it.
I was looking for a picture to put in of my basket, but apparently I didn’t take one. However, it was filled with my favorite candy and food like mac and cheese and sour patch kids. There were two shirts in it, an ADPi one and a Khalid shirt, who is the love of my life. On top of that, she wrapped fairy lights around the basket and it just looked super cute.
Saturday we had nothing special happen, but Sunday we had retreat. It was held at the Graduate hotel downtown and it was really fun time. We played games and got to know our sisters a little better. We also had an auction and people brought in clothes to sell. All of these proceeds went to THON. At the end of the day it was time for big reveal!! We finally got to know who was messing with us all week.
Everyone had a bag with their names on it and in it were shirts and socks that we had to put on (they matched what our big was wearing). All the bigs went outside, and the held up sheet, calling the littles over in groups of four. They counted down, dropped the sheet and you got to see who your big is! It was honestly super exciting! My big is named Sky and I love her so much, she is the sweetest. I genuinely had no clue that she was my big and all week I thought it was someone else.
This is my big and I after the reveal. The shirts she got us were super cute and we also had matching valentine’s day socks.
Afterwards, all of the littles were banned from our rooms and our bigs went to decorate them! I felt kind of bad because I had no clue this was happening and my room was A MESS from the night before.
After waiting for two hours at Dunkin’, I was finally able to go see my decorated room.
This is what my room looked like. I will say the picture doesn’t do it justice, but it really did look super cute! There were streamers on my celling and balloons all over the place. I got cute ADPi letters and a bunch of shirts and apparel.
It was such an exciting week and I am very happy with how everything ended up and I cannot wait to get to know my big!