This blog is going to be a little bit different because it’s not about a CISV camp I went to, but instead, this is about a very small camp reunion. Also, this week I am going to be discussing some things I learned without conversation. I reunited with my friend, Ines, only a few months […]
Come to Brazil!
Welcome back guys! Today I am going to be discussing my time in Araraquara, Brazil. The summer before my senior year I went on my last trip as a delegate with CISV. Hopefully in the future I can be a leader with CISV, but unfortunately you need to be 21. If you, like me, are […]
Conversations with 11 year olds
Hi guys and welcome to blog number 3. So today we are moving from Portugal back to the United States, to Cincinnati, to discuss some interesting conversations I had with eleven year olds. When I was 16 I spent four weeks in Cincinnati with 48 11 year old kids from all around the world, 21 […]
Learning about Ecuador
Today I am going to be talking about my trip to Portugal! So this trip was also with CISV, the organization I talked about last week, but this camp was a little bit different. I flew to Portugal with three other 14 year olds from the United States and one adult. Once we arrived […]