Living in PA: Why Certain Aspects Are Still Weird

When I’m asked where I am from, I’m often met with gasps and questions of why I chose Pennsylvania and Penn State. As I’ve mentioned in previous blogs, life in California versus living in PA is almost two completely opposite ways of life. There are still some aspects of living in PA that are shocking to me.

1. Snow days instead of Fire (or flooding or it’s just too damn hot to do anything productive) days.

Snow is literally one of the most magical things I’ve experienced in my life. Although the cold is not ideal, it is absolutely breathtaking. It is also not fun when I get snow in my eye as I’ve been looking up, directly at the sky. It’s so nice to go outside and have snowflakes, not soot and ash, in your hair.


2. The fact that people don’t lock their doors/cars.

I’m sorry, this is just like asking to get robbed. I get that it’s just different over here, but it’s just still so bizarre to me that people have so much faith in those around us to NOT steal. I do not trust people that much.


3. The fact that the grass doesn’t need sprinklers, and that PA is not in a drought.

The grass just stays wet. It’s so wild.

In terms of the drought, I kept forgetting that not all states are in a state of constant drought. My future roommate had the sink running while brushing her teeth, and I quickly turned off the water and began berating her for it. She turned it back on and reminded me that Pennsylvania is not a dry place.

4. Housing, food, and gas are so much cheaper in PA than in Los Angeles. Also, the fact that clothing does not have taxes.

The cost of living is just very different. For example, the minimum wage for the state of California is $15 an hour. Here, it’s like $7.25. This is why extranous factors like housing, food, gas, and clothes are so much cheaper.

5. That “40 degrees is a heatwave.”

40 degrees is not a heatwave. A heatwave, in my opinion, is at least 90 degrees. And, that is the bare minimum

6. The presence of agriculture. And The fact that not all trees (that are in triangular shapes) are Christmas trees.

This is largely due to my roommate, who is an agricultural education major. The prescence of agricutlure is really present in PA, like all of the clubs and other extracurricular acitivities she is in pertaining to agricutlutre. In California, my only real knowledge of farming was the farmer’s market.

California’s primary tree is a palm tree. Antyhing else that is triangular is a Christmas tree to me.

7. Groundhog’s Day – What is the commotion around the damn groundhog? He’s wrong like most of the time.

The tradition and story itself are very cute. It’s very nice to see everyone come together to celebrate something. HOWEVER, why a groundhog My roommate refuses to let go of this tradition, she said and I quote, “I love this groundhog!” The only fight we have gotten in was about groundhog’s day are essientially the same as meterologists- both are wrong most of the time. Meterology is literal science. The other is a literal groundhog.


I’ve learned a lot being away from home. Although CA will always have my heart, some of it is here in State College.

3 thoughts on “Living in PA: Why Certain Aspects Are Still Weird

  1. I loved reading about how PA vastly differs from CA. I’ve always wanted to see California myself. That said, PA certainly has its perks. Here’s some of my takes on some of your takes.

    1. Snow days instead of fire. While I hate the cold and ice, fresh snow is always very enjoyable even for someone who’s lived here my whole life. I’d also much prefer snowflakes to ash.
    2. I don’t know who you’re referring to but I absolutely lock my car door!
    3.I’ve never thought about having to use a sprinkler in my lawn… crazy.
    4. I’ve lived in a more rural-suburban area in my life. So the taxes, the gas, and cost of living has generally been lower. I couldn’t imagine paying for the lack of space that people pay for in places like LA.
    5. 40 degrees is heatwave now but I still much prefer the warm weather. I grew up Vacationing in Florida so I know a thing or two about heat waves as well.
    6. One of my favorite experiences has always been getting fresh Christmas Trees in the winter. It’s something I’ll never take for granted.
    7. Groundhog Day is overrated. Period.

  2. As someone who lived in PA since I was 3 years old, I found this post both amusing and grateful. I feel grateful for the safety, the lost cost of living, and that we are not in a drought. However, it was funny to me that the “heatwave” of 40 degrees F, was not warm enough for you. I felt the 40 degree and though this feels great. I hope you enjoy your time here in the Keystone State.

  3. I was completely unaware that Groundhog’s day was only a PA thing. I have lived here my whole life and I was completely surprised by your mentioning of not knowing why Groundhog’s day is a big deal! Also, I grew up in Philadelphia and I was lock my car door, maybe that is just a difference in living in urban settings versus more suburban/rural.

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