Work in Progress: Third Parties

For my next object to analyze rhetorically, I chose an article from the Washington Post written on why the United States problems need a third party to solve its problems. Written by Matt Miller and titled “Why We Need a Third Party” it goes into depth of the economic and social issues plaguing our nation. Most importantly, Miller states the actual policies of both parties and how neither party has a viable, or logical solution to these problems. As a member of a third party (I’m a registered Libertarian), I can easily identify with what Miller is saying. What I find interesting, is that he is not a member of a third party. He is a Democrat and former aide to President Clinton so this guy isn’t just another “fight the power” wack-job. I also find it interesting how in the article he ignores present alternative political parties that are advocating for the same beliefs that he is putting out there, such as the Reform Party. That probably is my one disappointment with this article. The major obstacle that all third parties have in the US is lack of press coverage. People don’t know what these parties stand for, or even if they exist, and I bet that if they were able to get their messages out there they would become much more powerful, especially in today’s political climate. The fact is that many people feel betrayed by the American political system at the moment, just ask one of the 25 million unemployed Americans looking for a job. If these people knew there was another option than Republicans and Democrats then maybe Republicans and Democrats would get off their thrones and help out the middle class. What the two major parties need is a new “enemy” to actually offer solutions to our issues, and challenge their empty promises. This is what Miller, millions of Americans, and I for that matter are advocating for. Why choose the lesser of two evils this elections? Why not do some research and find people to vote for who have actual, sound policies to institute? And don’t be disenfranchised by the old “You are wasting your vote” argument. If you are thinking about voting for another party, than there are thousands, possibly millions of others that are thinking about doing the same thing, but are too afraid of casting their ballot because they believe no one else will. Your vote will cause many to follow. Be a leader.

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