TED Talk Outline

Introduction: In my intro, I am going to attempt to include subtle moments of humor and comedy. From here, I am hoping to effectively transition into the details of my speech.

  • Do you remember that time when the president only had three cabinet departments? Or maybe that time when nobody really wanted to run for president? No? Huh, I thought it just happened yesterday. I must be thinking of some other time period. Today, we see a different state of the presidency, right? It seems that we always hear of some form of coverage of what the president has done each day. No matter the platform, the presence of the president is always around. So, how did we reach this state compared to when the country was still growing and developing? There must have been some sort of shift.

Main Points: In addressing the major factors that created the shift, I will provide context in the form of a timeline. This timeline will cover the presidency from the administrations of Presidents Theodore to Franklin Roosevelt. I will address how these two Presidents shaped the presidency in their respective manners and how it has only led to expansion from that point forward. The factors I aim to cover are:

  • Increased presence in global affairs
    • Panama Canal
    • True following of Monroe Doctrine
    • World Wars
  • Increased immigration which led to increased domestic issues
    • Influx of immigrants in search of jobs
    • Industrialization
    • Labor management
  • Aggressive policy campaigns
    • New Deal
    • “Alphabet Soup”

Conclusion: In the conclusion, I aim to sum up the factors that contributed to the shift in presidential power. I will then expand this to how it has lead us to believe that the president is becoming more important because they are more influential. To demonstrate the significance and connect it to the audience, I will relate it to voting and the focus of that for newer generations.

  • This class and other newly turned 18 year olds will finally be able to practice our civic duty in voting, especially for the general election in which the president is elected. As I demonstrated, we can observe that the presidency has become more and more powerful. This translates into greater influence over us, the population. This correlates with the importance and coverage we associate with the president. It is important that we recognize this and continue to pay attention to the powers exercised by the Oval Office. We can recognize this, and we will be able to make a proper decision of who we believe is best to be the President of the United States.

Stay tuned for the final product.

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